🤖 Telegram Bot API PHP SDK. Lets you build Telegram Bots easily! Supports Laravel out of the box.
Pinned issues
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Reply Keyboard Markup is error
#1150 opened by owenzhang24 - 0
How Get List Of All Members of channel Bot admin in
#1148 opened by sgms-top - 0
idea: Create a special Exception class for cases when bot is blocked by a user
#1147 opened by alies-dev - 1
Incorrect guide paragraph at . Correctly, row accepts parameters Keyboard::button not an array.
#1146 opened by mammothcoding - 1
Command class should be an instance of "Telegram\Bot\Commands\CommandInterface"
#1145 opened by IVoyt - 0
Command class should be an instance of "Telegram\Bot\Commands\CommandInterface"
#1144 opened by IVoyt - 1
problem to send photo and open mp3 file
#1141 opened by kia1349 - 0
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Add "deleteMessages" method
#1138 opened by voidvn - 0
[Bug]: HTTP webhooks are prohibited, but they are allowed in case of using own bot api server
#1137 opened by glukinho - 0
The "getStatus" method always returns "false".
#1136 opened by dmigum - 1
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Enabe long-polling for commandsHandler method
#1133 opened by PavelFil - 0
setChatPhoto() doesn't work anymore but no error is displayed. setChatTitle() and setChatDescription() work normally
#1132 opened by bvicini - 0
Why remove argument from triggerCommand method?
#1130 opened by Dezinger - 0
Bad Request: file is too big
#1129 opened by bobper - 0
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get contacts by groups
#1126 opened by elinardo10 - 0
Keyboard reply command handler not working
#1124 opened by makkmarci13 - 0
Make integration with birthday class
#1123 opened by stratevroman - 1
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Catch exception if user blocked the bot
#1121 opened by TheRedEclipse - 1
sendMediaGroup can't send video without sound
#1084 opened by tahola - 2
Inline Keyboard web_app
#1069 opened by HydraCoderX - 3
Method [replyKeyboardMarkup] does not exist.
#1092 opened by amirhshokri - 1
Forbidden response
#1088 opened by Alibaghaee - 1
setWebhook() and deleteWebhook() call returns undefined index for result array
#1091 opened by jinyi-rc - 6
Get Channel Group Members
#1098 opened by RVP04 - 2
Getting message list of a channel
#1107 opened by art-zhitnik - 3
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"illuminate/support" 11 support
#1110 opened by Pinnokkio - 0
Unit Testing
#1118 opened by khalidmaquilang - 2
Wrong response from the webhook: 403 Forbidden
#1112 opened by NihilIF - 0
Bad Request: file must be non-empty
#1102 opened by vladislav-ramirez - 1
replyWithMessage with multiple bots not working
#1096 opened by parmonov98 - 5
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\Promise\unwrap()
#1086 opened by Maatify - 1
Command class "App\Services\Telegram\Commands\StartCommand" should be an instance of "Telegram\Bot\Commands\CommandInterface"
#1094 opened by asboldyrev - 4
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Empty Message object return on some files
#1082 opened by foremtehan - 1
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Command class "App\Telegram\Commands\StartCommand" should be an instance of "Telegram\Bot\Commands\CommandInterface"
#1089 opened by alvinmr - 3
Telegram\Bot\Objects\Update::getMessage(): Return value must be of type Illuminate\Support\Collection, Hyperf\Collection\Collection returned
#1083 opened by guanzhihua168 - 1
#1077 opened by LipeApp - 5
Silent breaking change in v3.12
#1076 opened by ariaieboy - 1
MarkdownV2 support?
#1071 opened by fivepe - 1
downloadFile bug
#1074 opened by hashkeeperok - 2
Command is not triggered
#1073 opened by ZnarKhalil - 0