Simple generic utilities (type check, common math functions, etc.)
npm install --save @ircam/sc-utils
- atodb
- counter
- dbtoa
- decibelToLinear
- decibelToPower
- delay
- exponentialScale
- ftom
- getTime
- hertzToNormalised
- idGenerator
- isBrowser
- isFunction
- isNumber
- isPlainObject
- isSequence
- isString
- isTouchDevice
- isTypedArray
- isURL
- linearScale
- linearToDecibel
- logarithmicScale
- mtof
- normalisedToHertz
- normalizedToTableScale
- powerToDecibel
- sleep
- tableToNormalizedScale
Convert a linear gain into dB
Alias: linearToDecibel
number Value to convert
import { atodb } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > 1
Returns number
Create a counter function.
number Start of the counter, included (optional, default0
number End of the counter, included (optional, defaultNumber.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
number Increment / decrement step, if 0 returnsfrom
forever (optional, default1
Returns Function import { counter } from '@ircam/sc-utils'; const myCounter = counter(0.1, 0.3, 0.1); counter(); // 0.1 counter(); // 0.2 counter(); // 0.3 counter(); // 0.1 // ...
Convert a dB into linear gain
Alias: decibelToLinear
number Value to convert
import { dbtoa } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > 1
Returns number
Convert a dB into linear gain (i.e. gain)
Alias: dbtoa
number Value to convert
import { decibelToLinear } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > 1
Returns number
Convert a dB into power gain
number Value to convert
import { decibelToPower } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > 1
Returns number
Wait for a given number of milliseconds.
See also sleep
Number Number of milliseconds to wait
import { delay } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// wait for 1 second
await delay(1000);
Returns Promise
Create an exponential scale function.
number Start value of input rangeinputEnd
number End value of input rangeoutputStart
number Start value of output rangeoutputEnd
number End value of output rangebase
number Base value for exponential scaling, default to2
(optional, default2
boolean Clip output to output range, default tofalse
(optional, defaultfalse
const { exponentialScale } = utils;
const midiToFreq = exponentialScale(69, 81, 440, 880);
// > 220
Convert a frequency in Hz to a MIDI note
number Frequency to convert
import { ftom } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
const freq = ftom(440);
// > 69
Returns number
Provide a unified clock in seconds accross platforms, with an origin defined by the start of the process.
import { getTime } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
setInterval(() => {
const now = getTime();
// ...
}, 1000);
Convert a frequency in Hertz to a normalised one in [0, 1].
Normalised frequency of 1 is half the sample-rate (Nyquist frequency).
number Frequency in Hertz to convert -
number Twice the Nyquist frequency (optional, default{}
(optional, default2
import { hertzToNormalised } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
hertzToNormalised(12000, {sampleRate: 48000});
// > 0.5
Returns number
Create a iterator of incrementing ids
DEPRECATED Use the more generic and user friendly counter
import { idGenerator } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
const generator = idGenerator();
const id =
Returns Iterator
Check if the platform is a browser or a node process
import { isBrowser } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > true|false
Returns boolean
Check if the value is a function
any Value to check
import { isFunction } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
isFunction(() => {});
// > true
Returns boolean
Check if the value is a number, including Infinity. If you want to excluse Infinity, check the native Number.isFinite function
any Value to check
import { isNumber } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > true
Returns boolean
Check if the value is a Plain Old Javascript Object (POJO)
any Value to check
import { isPlainObject } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
isPlainObject({ a: 1 });
// > true
Returns boolean
Check if the value is a sequence (Array
or TypedArray
) of finite numbers
any Value to check
import { isSequence } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
isSequence([1, 2, 3]);
// > true
Returns boolean
Check if the value is a string
any Value to check
import { isString } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > true
Returns boolean
Check if the device supports touch events
import { isTouchDevice } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > true|false
Returns boolean
Check if the value is a TypedArray
any Value to check
import { isTypedArray } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
isTypedArray(new Float32Array([1, 2, 3]));
// > true
Returns boolean
Check if the value is a valid URL
any Value to check
import { isURL } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > true
Returns boolean
Create a linear scale function.
number Start value of input rangeinputEnd
number End value of input rangeoutputStart
number Start value of output rangeoutputEnd
number End value of output rangeclip
boolean Clip output to output range, default tofalse
(optional, defaultfalse
import { scale } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
const myScale = scale(0, 1, 50, 100);
// > 75
Returns Function
Convert a linear gain into dB
Alias: atodb
number Value to convert
import { decibelToPower } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > 1
Returns number
Create a logarithmic scale function.
number Start value of input rangeinputEnd
number End value of input rangeoutputStart
number Start value of output rangeoutputEnd
number End value of output rangebase
number Base value for logarithmic scaling, default to2
(optional, default2
boolean Clip output to output range, default tofalse
(optional, defaultfalse
const { logarithmicScale } = utils;
const freqToMidi = logarithmicScale(440, 880, 69, 81);
// > 57
Convert a MIDI note to frequency
number MIDI Note to convert
import { mtof } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
const freq = mtof(69);
// > 440
Returns number
Convert a normalised frequency, in [0, 1], to a frequency in Hertz.
Normalised frequency of 1 is half the sample-rate (Nyquist frequency).
number Normalised frequency to convert -
number Twice the Nyquist frequency (optional, default{}
(optional, default2
import { normalisedToHertz } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
normalisedToHertz(0.5, {sampleRate: 48000});
// > 12000
Returns number
Create a scale function that returns a linearly interpolated value from the given transfert table according to the given normalized position.
import { normalizedToTableScale } from '@ircam/sc-utils'
const scale = normalizedToTableScale([1, 2, 4])
scale(0); // 1
scale(0.25); // 1.5
scale(0.5); // 2
scale(0.75); // 3
scale(1); // 4
Returns function
Convert a linear gain into dB
number Value to convert
import { decibelToPower } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// > 1
Returns number
Wait for a given number of seconds.
See also delay
Number Number of seconds to wait
import { sleep } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
// wait for 1 second
await sleep(1);
Returns Promise
Create a scale function that returns a normalized position in the transfert table according to the given value.
import { tableToNormalized } from '@ircam/sc-utils'
const scale = tableToNormalized([1, 2, 4])
scale(1); // 0
scale(1.5); // 0.25
scale(2); // 0.5
scale(3); // 0.75
scale(4); // 1
Returns function