GoAttendEasy is an application to make attendance management easier with a series of simple features to manage attendance more efficiently
Below is database schema for this app
- gocron: A Golang Job Scheduling Package
- ent: An Entity Framework For Go
- echo: High performance, minimalist Go web framework
This application is a Rest API type with a URL prefix which has been published on fly.io below
You can use Rest API usage with postman documentation below and select environment PreTest - PROD
- https://www.postman.com/orange-eclipse-673431/workspace/digitels/documentation/17180185-9f803539-73da-4860-800b-82f722cc3f2b
Or you can import postman collection from
If you want to run this app on local, you can use docker and docker-compose to make it more easy without any configuration needed
$ docker-compose up -d
or if you have Go
installed, you can run command belo
$ go run src/cmd/main.go -env prod
user prod
env to load config for production in local and user local
env to load config for local app
- The clock on the
server may not be the same as the current clock in Indonesia. Run the project locally withdocker compose up -d
so that the clock matches your current location clock