
Mikro web framework

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

Mike, The Mikro web framework

very simple to use web framework

import mike

get "/":
    send "hello"

startServer(1234) # Port by default is 8080 but you can change that
# you can also specify the number of threads when compiling with threads on
# startServer(numOfThreads=2)



$ nimble install mike

How To

The example file is a good example for how to use the lib


Mike supports the following type of routes
  • normal
  • parameter

Regex routing will be supported in the next release

A normal route is just a plain path with nothing fancy. It is defined like so.

get "/home": # This can be any http verb e.g. get, post, put, patch, etc
    send "<h1> This is the home page </h1>"

Parameter routes are routes that contain variables in them.

get "/account/{id}":
    send "Your ID is: " & id # The variable is automatically created


testing is also easy with the built in mock testing just have -d:testing defined somewhere when running your tests and you will be able to test your api

include example.nim # The file you are testing
import unittesting

test "Test root returns hello":
    let response = getMock("/")
    check response.body == "hello"

you can also add middleware to be called before all your requests

proc logCall(request: MikeRequest) =
    echo("Got call: " & request.path)

    # Anything in this block is called before a request

get "/":



Mike currently supports running code before a request is processed and after a response is sent

var callsCompleted = 0
proc logCall(request: MikeRequest) =
    echo("Got call: " & request.path)

afterRequest: # Will run after every response
    callsCompleted += 1

beforeRequest: # Will run before every request is handled
    await sleepAsync(1000) # TODO remove this for speed up

beforeRequest: # Will only be run before the routes specified in this block
    get "/":
        send "hello"

get "/analytics": # Will not be logged because the middleware is not applied
    send $callsCompleted & " calls have been completed"


Mike supports adding and removing cookies from a client

get "/haveibeenhere":
    if request.cookies.haskey("beenHere"):
        send("Yes you have")
        request.addCookie("beenHere", $true)
        send("No, but you have now")

made in Nim with httpx backend, inspired by Kemal