
Visualization Library for building standard graphical representations of AIRR semantically structured data.

This visualization library parses AIRR DATA and enables a standard visual narrative for iReceptor Stats API.

iR+ Stats API specification

The iReceptor Stats API definition can be found at the Github repository or through the Swagger Editor.

Usage Examples

The library is meant to be used either through the global variable window.airrvisualization or by instanciating the individual Classes.

With window.airrvisualization you get an instance of the Class VisualizationLibrary.

Working examples can be found in the files iRplusVis_APP.html, iRplusVis_APP-module.html and ImmuneDb_APP.html.

Library Diagram

(UML (under maintenance) Class Diagram) UML (under maintenance) Class Diagram


Note you must have npminstalled on your machine.

Install dependencies

Start by installing dependencies, on the command line type:

npm install

Build for production

To build the visualization library run (after installing dependencies):

npm run build

Build for development

If sources are required intead of build use build:dev:

npm run build:dev

Build documentation

To build the library documentation run:

npm run build:docs

After running the above command, JsDoc documentation will be available on /jsdoc/index.html


Run tests

To tests on the library, run:

npm run test

Run tests coverage

To see tests code coverage run:

npm run cover