React Starter

Starter image for when I want to mess around with React


  • Parcel for transpiling & bundling
  • Dev server with hot module reloading
  • ES modules
  • Typescript
  • Jest for tests
  • Simpler & smaller footprint than CRA


Start dev server with npm start

Run tests with npm test

Releasable build with npm run build (outputs to /dist)


Parcel doesn't type check TypeScript by default, though has experimental support - the opinion they have is that type checking is a job for an IDE, or a build server. I disagree, so we currently do an explicit type check with TSC up front before running tests with Jest, starting Parcel in dev server mode, or doing a production build. To this end we have a minimal tsconfig. This means that we have two separate opinions on how to handle TypeScript - Parcel and TSC.

Parcel aims to be zero config for common use cases, and thus doesn't use a Babel config. However Jest does use a Babel config, so we have to add that and bring in a few Babel dependencies. Because Parcel will read the Babel config and be unhappy, we also have to add a Parcel config that tells it not to do that. This means we have two separate opinions about Babel - Parcel and Jest.


Overall these are irritating mis-matches, which add complication, duplication, and reduce the value of using a zero config tool in the first place.