
Purely function byte code generator.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Bytc - bytc your code

Purely functional byte code and class file generator written in Scala3

    ____        __      
   / __ )__  __/ /______
  / __  / / / / __/ ___/
 / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /__  
/_____/\__, /\__/\___/  


  • The core class Code and ClassFile.Operation are purely composable, which implement Monoid.
  • No side effect until we have to write file (IO).
  • Computation description and interpreter implementation properly seperated (Free monad is not necessary with Scala's implicits).


Useful codes

  • Pass serves as the empty code
  • Load Intelligently load various kinds of data types
  • Store Intelligently store various kinds of data types
  • Return Intelligently return with return type
  • Inspect Inspect intermediate code state
  • PrintCode Print codes
  • NewCode Customize code as you like
  • New new instances
  • InvokeVirtual invoke methods
  • ...

Useful classfile operations

  • Define defines a new class
  • Main adds main method
  • Method adds method
  • Constructor adds constructor
  • DefaultConstructor adds default constructor
  • ...


Necessary imports

import bytc.*
import bytc.given
import Type.*

Hello world

@main def main: Unit = 
  import Code.*

  import ClassFile.Operation.*
  val `class` = 
      << DefaultConstructor
      << Main(helloWorld)

  `class`.create() match
    case Left(err) => sys.error(err.msg)
    case Right(cf) => cf.writeToFile("HelloWorld.class")
end main

def helloWorld: Code = {
  import Code.*
  Comment("Hello world example")
    << GetStatic("java.lang.System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;")
    << Load("Hello world!")
    << InvokeVirtual("java.io.PrintStream", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V")
    << Return


def fact: Code = {
  import Code.*
  val label = Tool.getFreshLabel()

  Comment("Define fact(n: Int): Int") 
    << Load(Var(1)) 
    << Load(1)
    << If_ICmpGt(label) 
    << Load(1) 
    << Return
    << Label(label)
    << Load(Var(1)) 
    << Load(Var(0))
    << Load(Var(1)) 
    << Load(1) 
    << ISUB 
    << InvokeVirtual("HelloWorld", "fact", "(I)I")
    << IMUL 
    << Return