
Unsplash Client for Hipo.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hipo Unsplash Client

The task given by Hipo Team aims to replicate a Figma design with full functionality in React.

See live (OLDER VERSION BEFORE STYLING FIX!!! Having problems with connecting to firebase at the moment): https://hipo-unsplash-client.web.app/

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Nothing! Everything is included in package.json :)


First copy the repository to your local machine.

git clone https://github.com/iremlaya/hipo-unsplash-client.git

Then you can install dependencies with:

npm install


yarn add


Run npm run start or yarn start to run the project. It should navigate you to http://localhost:3000/, where app is running on local.

Run eslint . or npm lint to run the linter.


Run npm run build to create the build directory. Afterwards, follow the specific steps for deployment services. I used firebase: firebase deploy

Built With

Note: I listed the main packages. Please look at package.json to see everything.
  • Unsplash - Official API for Unsplash, used for data
  • React.js - JavaScript library
  • Redux.js - The state container
  • Axios - HHTP client used for API calls to Unsplash
  • Redux Thunk - Redux Middleware to handle asynchronous requests in reducers.
  • Reselect - Selectors for fetched data, also used as a caching mechanism with LRU Mapping Cache.
  • Masonry - Responsive Masonry Grid for React. I have used some parts of it to beautify the styling.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Thanks to the open source community, to everyone I listed above and also all dependencies that I forgot to mention!
  • Cute ghost icon is from flaticon :)

Code style

Airbnb styling is used for linting.


  • I had only 4 days to build the app, so unfortunately it's not as good as I've liked it to be! A big issue is css. Almost every styling needs to be refactored to be responsive.
  • Caching function can be found in redux/selectors. It caches the input query. But that means API call won't be made with the same query but different collection. I've tried to solve it by combining keySelectors, but I didn't have much time to look into it. If you'd like to see how it works, replace code in redux/action/fetchActions.js as such:
// remove this:
  service.searchPhotosByCollections(input, collectionIds, page) ...

// replace it with:
  cacheFetch(input, collectionIds, page) ...
  • Another thing is file and component structure. I tried to be as concise as possible with files, but of course it needs a re-check. Some component structures such as SearchBar: It needs to be divided into smaller components. And MasonryGrid: I make API calls here. But doing them in a more general component, like Home, and letting Masonry Grid to only show the photos would be a better use of seperating the concerns and loose coupling.