In the index.html file one can find all the source code of the project.
When one opens the page there will be 3 input area, 3 buttons and a list of all users. One can add a user, delete a user and login as a user. After one logged in, below the page there is the user page which includes user's name, wallet, rating information. Also, there is store, order history and open products page buttons. When one presses the store button below the products that user have are displayed. Products' names, prices, photos, sellers' names and ratings are shown. When user presses order history button the products that user bought are shown. In the user page there are also deposit and withdraw section. User can add money and withdraw money to user's wallet. When user presses open products page button, below the products page is shown. User can type a product's name and buy the product. Below the products user can enter product name photo url and price to add a product to sell.