
Hi! 👋

About me

Technically I am an engineer, but a few years ago I discovered that the world of programming is much more interesting to me.

I did a frontend bootcamp when I didn't know anything about programming where I saw the essentials, Static Badge, Static Badge and Static Badge in addition to Static Badge, Static Badge and other things. In the bootcamp my group and I did a project where we tested our skills using Static Badge, Static Badge, Static Badge and Static Badge, while developing teamwork and working through the agile methodology. After that, I have been studying more tools from the frontend world, like Static Badge and Static Badge.

Since then I am continually practicing my knowledge by working on different projects and experiments that I almost always upload to my personal website, irenealcainealvarez.es. I really like learning Static Badge and I am always doing the odd project to complete my portfolio, hoping to be able to work professionally sooner rather than later in this profession that I like so much.

Ask me anything! ->


I like programming, my web is irenealcainealvarez.es, I want to be a frontend developer, pleeeeeaaaaase hire me. 😊

Currently studying

  • Static Badge
  • Static Badge
  • Static Badge
  • Static Badge

Github Readme Daily Quotes 1

Currently working on

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  1. The Office reference: ✅ ↩