
This program will take a github username and display the all the users that username follows and the amount of repos they have.

How to run

  • Insert your github access token into the "token" area in the .go file.
  • Run the .go file on termainal using go run GitHubAccess.go.
  • Open up http://localhost:9000/web on your browser. This should display the website and ask for a user name.

Starting page

  • Enter a valid username into the search bar.


  • The results should display all the users that username follows along with the number of repositories they have.


  • If you want to enter another username, reload the website and search for another valid github user.

Built With

  • Go-github: API used to access the github user's data.
  • Gin: A HTTP web framework written in Go.
  • D3.js: Used for data visualisation.