
📜 A Divers Set of Command Line Tools

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Commands Kit 📜

First Go project using cobra
There are some terminal commands which i've implemented using GoLang

List of commands 📋

myip 🌐

Check your IP settings with this command
Basically it sends GET request to ipinfo.io

encrypt 🔒

Encrypt your data with this command
Using AES algo

decrypt 🔓

Decrypt an AES string
Using AES algo

pokemon 🎱

Returns random pokemon and it's data

cat 🐱

Reads text files

chars_count 🅱️

Counts chars

words_count 🆎

Counts words

mkdir 📂

Creates directory

touch 📄

Creates file

pwd 🗃

Prints current working directory

rm ❌

Deletes files or directories

Preview 🔍

What I Learned 🧠

  • How to send GET request
  • Error handling in Go
  • AES crypt algo


  • Rearrange Preview to actual command desc
  • Fix main func problem
  • Add more commands

License 📑

(c) 2020 Ilya Revenko. MIT License