
list of rules for checklists on checkops.io



Collection of checklists where each checklist is an exhaustive list of all elements you need to check before every tech. activity like website development or website launch..

Checklists for the Internet

Build Status

This repo has all rules for the interactive checklists hosted at https://checkops.io/checklist/web-development

You can use this checklists to

  • Find exhaustive list of all elements you need to check before making your website goes live
  • Ensure your website meets all standards and best practices
  • Pick and choose rules based on levels of priority and categories
  • Be aware of your current progress while you are developing
  • Share your progress on checklists with peers (upcoming)
  • Enter URL and get your website checked against these rules (upcoming)

Directory structure

├── rules
│   ├── checklist_name
│   │   ├── rule_name.md
│   │   └── categories.md
├── .travis.yml
├── README.md
└── wiki


irfan Ahmad, checkopser@gmail.com

