The supplementary files for paper: Open Data Portal Quality (ODPQ) Framework Based Metric for Assessing the Quality of Open Data Portals in Indonesian Local Governments
Author: Gamal Akbar Adzanni, Nur Aini Rakhmawati, and Irmasari Hafidz
There are 3 dimensions of data quality metrics that are being used in this ODPQ research. related to the "Existence" dimension (Qe), "Conformance" dimension (Qc), and "Open Data" dimension (Qo). Each of the dimension has its own sub-dimension that is defined and explained at Supplementary File ODPQ Indonesian Gov Open Data Portalv3.pdf in this repositories.
The survey invitation was sent out for 17 government agency, the The Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Informatics or Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) at city and province level.
The list of municipalities that are invited to do the AHP survey for data quality metrics for the open data portal is available at Supplementary File Section A.
The AHP survey results are received anonymously from 7 out of 17 invitation being sent.
The questionnaire design of the metrics is explained at Supplementary File Section B. The results of the AHP calculation is available at Supplementary File Section C.
How to cite this article:
I. Hafidz, G. A. Adzanni and N. Aini Rakhmawati, "Open Data Portal Quality (ODPQ) Framework Based Metric for Assessing the Quality of Open Data Portals in Indonesian Local Governments," 2023 International Conference on Smart-Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems (ICSGTEIS), Badung, Bali, Indonesia, 2023, pp. 127-132, doi: 10.1109/ICSGTEIS60500.2023.10424389. keywords: {Measurement;Local government;Analytic hierarchy process;Usability;Portals;Open data;Information systems;Open Data;Open Government;AHP;Open Data Portal Quality;CKAN;Open Data Portal Quality;ODPQ},