
all natives in lua

Primary LanguageLua


all natives in lua

how to use?

  1. take the folder redm-native to your directory (make sure inside the script are fxmanifest.lua and native.lua)
  2. just don't share the script to other script/resource. to make it optimized.
  3. to use the native, here are some methods that you can do:

how to initiate the natives?

just add these to top of your script

you can do for a single native that you will be used in 1 file

local n = exports['redm-native']:GetNative('AddExplosion')

or multiple natives

local n = exports['redm-native']:GetNative({'AddExplosion', 'TaskMountAnimal'})

or even returns all natives? (not recommended for optimization thing)

local n = exports['redm-native']:GetNative()

how to use the natives?

example to make some explosions.

local n = exports['redm-native']:GetNative('AddExplosion')
RegisterCommand('explode', function ()
    local explosionTag_id = 27  -- EXP_TAG_BULLET
    local explosion_vfxTag_hash = 0x7DD07579 	-- applies effect exp_lightning_strike, if native ADD_EXPLOSION_WITH_USER_VFX is used
    local ped = PlayerPedId()
    local ped_coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
    local x,y,z = table.unpack(ped_coords)
    local forward_fix = 15
    local forwardX=GetEntityForwardX(ped)
    local forwardY=GetEntityForwardY(ped)
    local explosion_coords_x = x+(forwardX*forward_fix)
    local explosion_coords_y = y+(forwardY*forward_fix)
    local explosion_coords_z = z
    local damageScale = 1.0
    local isAudible = true
    local isInvisible = false
    local cameraShake = true
    for i=1, 3 do
        n.AddExplosion(explosion_coords_x, explosion_coords_y, explosion_coords_z, explosionTag_id, damageScale, isAudible, isInvisible, cameraShake)
