PyTorch implementation of the R2Plus1D convolution based ResNet architecture described in the paper "A Closer Look at Spatiotemporal Convolutions for Action Recognition"
- achigeor
- aetherksUCLA
- asheshnathmishraMicrosoft
- chongruoCA
- denisfitz57
- eugenelawrence
- eyadsibai
- igormqTeya
- imteekay
- JaeDukSeo
- jubbon
- KaiyangZhou
- kevinpk999
- kli-casiaCASIA
- liviust@AIMultimediaLab
- mehdidcJuelich Supercomputing Center (JSC), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, LAION
- mpicci
- nishnikIIT Kharagpur
- PerathamUniversity of Maryland
- pranz24
- quantumpacketsomeone
- ResByteTricog Health
- ronyuzhangBeijing
- shicaiHangzhou
- Shihab-ShahriarLansing, Michigan
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- soumithMeta
- sriharsha0806fractal
- tchigher
- truskovskiyk@kyryl-opens-ml
- utc1205Shanghai University && University of technology of compiègne France
- VibAltekar
- yassersouriMicrosoft
- yinhaozSan Diego, CA
- ykoneeeChina GuangZhou
- YukiNagatoSuzhou, China