Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


MiSTIC, an integrated platform for the analysis of heterogeneity in large tumour transcriptome datasets. Lemieux S, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx338, PMID: 28472340

MiSTIC is built on the python framework [Pyramid] (http://www.pylonsproject.org/).

To install MiSTIC, you'll need :

For the web server application :

  • Python2.7 or later Python2.x
  • Pyramid-1.x (Python2.x compatible)
  • SQLite3
  • Python packages :

For the mst tool :

  • boost
  • C++ compilator
  • cmake

For pdf generation

  • Graphviz
  • phantomjs or rsvg-convert
  1. Pyramid installation

Follow the instructions on the Pyramid website for installation here and have a look at the [general documentation] (http://docs.pylonsproject.org/en/latest/docs/pyramid.html)

If you've installed a new instance of Python as recommended on the Pyramid website, don't forget to install the needed packages using this python version.

  1. Create a virtual environment

virtualenv $HOME/.virtualenvs/mistic  # or any other place you want to create your virtualenv
source $HOME/.virtualenvs/mistic/bin/activate
  1. Install dependencies

a. Graphviz (non-interactive layout)


Note : Graphviz must be compiled with the triangulation library

b. Tool to generate PDF :

Choose between rsvg-convert OR phantomjs

rsvg-convert :

To install rsvg-convert, you'll need xz, librsvg, pkgconfig.


xz -d librsvg-2.40.1  
tar -xf librsvg  




c. To build the mst tool :

g++ compiler

cmake http://www.cmake.org/cmake/ressources/software.html

boost http://www.boost.org/users/download/

  1. Download and install the MiSTIC package

a. MiSTIC application

Clone this master branch (development) or the freeze-paper-2017 branch to get the code. Data can be found in the freeze-paper-2017 branch.

git clone -b freeze-paper-2017 https://github.com/iric-soft/MiSTIC.git

In the mistic directory with the virtual environment activated, do

pip install numpy==1.6.2  # some strange problem when installing from Requirements.txt
pip install -r Requirements.txt  
python setup.py install    #   Use develop if you intend to do development work on it

Using develop instead of install doesn't install the package, but creates symbolic links in the site-python directory that point to the current working instance. This means that your local edits are reflected immediately.

b. Build the mst tool

This steps relies on a c++ compiler, cmake, and boost:

cd mst
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Copy mst executable to the bin directory of the virtual environment

cp mst/mst $(dirname $(which python))  #  ~/.virtualenvs/mistic/bin/. 

b.Edit the configuration files

In your copy of sample.ini file, you may want to change/add/remove username and password used for authentification. By default, the username:password is mistic:mistic.

mistic.basic.auth = mistic:{SHA}YXM/zdQK+NRTPy52mrmXlJl/Xzw=

You can generate the authentication string as follows:

htpasswd -bsn username password

Set the tools to use to generate the pdf :

mistic.prepare.layout = sfdp # this controls the graphviz graph layout tool 

Specify the path where you've installed either phantomjs or rsvg-convert

mistic.phantomjs = /u/user/phantomjs-1.6.1-macosx-static/bin/phantomjs
mistic.rsvg-convert = /u/user/bin/rsvg-convert

Specify the name of the dataset configuration file with the here keyword which is relative the the .ini file.

mistic.data = %(here)s/sample.yaml

Specify the name of the sqlite database. If it does not exists, it will be created by the application.

sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/mistic.db

Lastly, you can specify the port which will serve the web application in the [server:main] section.

port = 8082 

See Pyramid documentation for more server options.

In your copy of sample.yaml, specify the path to the dataset and annotation files :

The data directory need to be in the root directory of the application. Create a symbolic link if you want to have it somewhere else (to share the data between different instances for example).

ontology: data/ontology
orthology: data/annotation/orthology.txt

To add annotations or dataset_annotations, append to the annotations or dataset_annotations section :

- id:  identifier
  name: name
  path: data/annotation/annotation_file.txt

Annotation files contain information about the rows in the dataset file (if RPKM, then the annotation file may contain the gene description, the chromosome, synonyms,...)

Dataset_annotations files contain information about the columns in the dataset file (if RPKM, then the dataset_annotation file may contain the sample name, gender, tissue type, cell type, ...)

Both of those type of file need to map the identifier use in the dataset file.

To add a dataset, in the dataset section, specify :

- id: identifier
  name: name
  path: data/datasets/myDataset.txt
  annc: id of the dataset_annotation file as stated in the dataset_annotation section
  annr: id of the annotation file as stated in the annotations section
  desc: text description of the dataset
  expt: which kind of experiment  'ngs' or 'hts' 
    tissue: type of tissue
    project: name of the project 
    technology: technology used to generate the data
  txid: taxon id 
  type: type of data : rpkm
  xfrm: type of transformation to apply : ["log","rank","none"]
  1. Data preprocessing

Make sure that mst and sfdp are in your path, and then type:

mistic prepare sample.ini

This step computes MSTs for each dataset and transformation, and then lays the graphs out using graphviz. It is make-like, so if you run it again, it should only execute the commands that it needs to, based upon file timestamps.

  1. Start the application

To start the web application :

paster serve sample.ini


Dependencies name Link License License Details
CMAKE http://www.cmake.org/ - http://www.cmake.org/cmake/project/license.html
Pyramid http://www.pylonsproject.org/ - http://www.pylonsproject.org/about/license
SQLite http://www.sqlite.org/ public domain http://www.sqlite.org/copyright.html
Graphivz http://www.graphviz.org/ EPL v.1.0 (new version) http://www.graphviz.org/License.php
PhantomJS http://phantomjs.org/ BSD https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/LICENSE.BSD
rsvg-convert https://developer.gnome.org/rsvg/stable/ GNU GPL https://developer.gnome.org/rsvg/stable/
NumPy http://www.numpy.org/ - http://www.numpy.org/license.html
SciPy http://www.scipy.org/ - http://www.scipy.org/scipylib/license.html
PyYAML http://pyyaml.org/ MIT http://svn.pyyaml.org/pyyaml-legacy/trunk/docs/LICENSE https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyYAML
SQLAlchemy http://www.sqlalchemy.org/ MIT http://www.sqlalchemy.org/download.html
zope.sqlalchemy https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.sqlalchemy ZPL 2.1 http://old.zope.org/Resources/ZPL/
pandas http://pandas.pydata.org/ BSD http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/overview.html#license
lxml http://lxml.de/ BSD http://lxml.de/index.html#license
d3.js http://d3js.org/ BSD http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/ Apache license v2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
JQuery http://jquery.com/ MIT https://jquery.org/license/
Datatable.js http://www.datatables.net/ GPL v2 or BSD(3-point) http://datatables.net/license_bsd http://datatables.net/license_gpl2
Backbone.js http://backbonejs.org/ MIT https://github.com/jashkenas/backbone/blob/master/LICENSE
Underscore.js http://underscorejs.org MIT
bootstrap-select.js http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/ MIT
ZeroClipboard http://zeroclipboard.org/ MIT
Spectrum Colorpicker https://github.com/bgrins/spectrum MIT
setuptools https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools PSF or ZPL