
Superscalar Simulator from sesc.sourceforge.net CVS

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

HOW TO setup sesc

building sesc

1) create a build directory

   Now you can create a directory for the build process:

> cd ../
> mkdir build

   We recommend that you have one build directory per simulator
   set of options. You may create as many directories as you want and
   compile the simulator with different combinations of options (see
   step 7).

2) go to the build directory

> cd build

3) configure esesc from build

   Run esesc/configure from the build directory (if you don't specify
   any options, the default configuration will be built; to see all
   options, type configure --help).

> ../esesc/configure

4) to build all sesc directories:

> make

5) to build the simulator executable:

> make sesc

# Examples of configure parameters:
# Activate all the checks, but do not have verbose dump
# ./configure --enable-debug-silent 
# Activate version memory (taskscalar included in vmem) with silent debug mode
# ./configure --enable-debug-silent --enable-vmem

Check docs/README.compile for more detailed examples

modifying and testing the simulator

   If you modify the simulator in esesc, PLEASE test it before you
   commit the code. To test it in the default configuration, you can
   simply type make testsim (in the build directory). Please also try

   Don't forget to do a cvs add for new files and cvs commit in the
   esesc directory to commit your changes (but before you do that,
   please make sure the simulator is still working ;o)

   To see the activity, regenerate the ChangeLog by typing gmake ChangeLog

esesc directory structure

configure     - script to create the Makefiles for build
configure.ac  - input file for autoconf, to create configure
confs         - directory that contains several configuration files for 
                the simulator runs
COPYING       - copyright notice
MAINTAINERS   - who is responsible for what description
scripts       - report and run scripts for sesc
src           - all real code for sesc is in this
                directory (description below)
TODO          - if you have some time available and you want to have
                some fun, check this file and help improve sesc

src directory structure

libapp        - patched calls from sesc (these are stubs for system
                calls emulated by the simulator - the real
                implementation is in mint/subst.c)
libcore       - main processor structures
libmem        - cache/memory backend
libnet        - multiprocessor networking
libpower      - power estimation (includes cacti, orion and wattch)
libsuc        - general purpose code (specially useful code)
libvmem       - versioning cache backend
libmint       - functional simulator
libcc         - Cache Coherence (directory based)
libsmp        - Cache Coherence (bus snooping)
librst        - RST SUN traces interface (check docs/README.rst)
misc          - miscellaneous files

   The other files are mainly associated to the build process.