
Primary LanguagePython

Redis Queue demo based on Flask app


The project acquaints with the Redis Queue, a simple Python library for queueing jobs and processing them in the background with workers.


  • Python3;
  • Flask web-framework;
  • Redis nosql database;
  • Redis Queue library;
  • Poetry virtual environment;
  • HTML, CSS;
  • Docker

Installing with Docker


Install Docker on your computer.

Clone repository and navigate to the folder on a command line:

git clone ...
cd rq-demo/infrastructure

Build and start docker containers, then go to the url

docker compose up

Installing as a standalone application


Install Redis and Python3 on your computer. Use Poetry for virtual environment.

Then go to a command line

Clone repository and navigate to the folder on a command line:

git clone ...
cd rq-demo/rq_demo

Install dependencies, run virtual environment

poetry install
poetry shell

Start Redis-server and check if Redis is working properly (response is PONG)

redis-cli ping

Launch, start tasks and monitoring

Proceed to rq-demo/rq_demo folder and run the app, then go to the url

cd rq_demo
poetry run flask run

And it's clearer to run the application in VScode debug mode