
“splashed” UIWindow.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


IRSplashWindow is an UIWindow subclass that allows developers to create splashed applications easily. It provides a transition between your app’s splash image and the actual app.

By default, IRSplashWindow uses your default launch image. To provide a custom image, include the name of the desired image in your app’s info.plist as key IRSplashWindowImage. The custom value takes precedence.

The transition duration defaults to 0.8 seconds and is exposed as a property (splashAnimationDuration).

IRSplashWindow relies on iridia / CGGeometry-IRFittingAdditions.


  • Support launch images for all four orientations.
  • Support IRSplashWindow.showSplashWithAnimation.

Delegate protocol

Set the delegate, and implement this optional protocol to do additional work:

- (void) splashWillPrepare:(IRSplashWindow *)sender;
- (void) splashDidPrepare:(IRSplashWindow *)sender;
- (void) splashWillRetreat:(IRSplashWindow *)sender;
- (void) splashDidRetreat:(IRSplashWindow *)sender;

Comments welcomed

Evadne Wu at Iridia Productions, 2010. ev@iridia.tw