
Task: Write the HTML and CSS code to create a front-end photo gallery that adapts to three types of screen sizes as shown in the images mobilePhotos.png, tabletPhotos.png and widerPhotos.png The typical tablet screen size width starts at 768px while the wider screens should have a layout width starting at 1024px. You can use the Device Mode in DevTools to view the layout on these screen widths or just resize the browser window.

RUBRIC Total: 15 points

5 points/per each completed photo gallery


Hints and extra help:

  • Build this gallery from scratch using the mobile-first approach.

  • Note that on mobile, we have a single column. On tablets, we have two columns. On laptops and wider screens, we have three columns and the first image takes up the space of four images.

  • To make the images fit the containing cell, you should give them a width of 100% and set their object-fit property to cover so they don’t get squashed.