This is the repository that I used to document my learning jounrney for Maya starting 2022 summer.
- Set up 3-point lighting rig for selected objects ✅ Done
- Customize the position, rotation, and intensity of each light ✅ Done
- Highlight object tab while selecting, and option to delete rig tab from the interface 🟡 IN-PROGRESS
- Render an Object Turntable 🟡 IN-PROGRESS
- Head-up display (HUD): basic UI programming in Maya ✅ Done
- Autofocus (Reticle) 🟡 IN-PROGRESS
- Customizable camera shakes 🟡 IN-PROGRESS
I got really interested about Autodesk Maya after engaging in the Women In Animation Coding in Animation circle and as part of ASWF summer learning program.
Here is the list of courses that I've completed: