
In this repository, you will create a virtual diary.


  • Build a database with mysql.
  • Build a backend with Express.
  • Create a frontend with React.


This is a mockup of the frontend.

virtual diary


Open 3 terminals. The first for FRONTEND, the second for BACKEND the third for MYSQL.

  • First terminal: cd client and run yarn install dependencies related to React. Run cd client and run yarn start to start client server in development mode with hot reloading in port 3000.

  • Second terminal: Run yarn on root folder to install dependencies related to Express. Run yarn start in project directory to start the Express server on port 5000

  • Third terminal: start with brew services start mysql.

  • If you want to run migration you can execute the yarn migrate script.

  • Then type mysql -u root -p to access the MySQL CLI using your password.

Basic Requirements


  • Start with backend and mysql (the same).

[] Use Postman to confirm that you have completed these correctly. You can test your API in http://localhost:5000/api


  • Finish the front end

[] You can test your client app in http://localhost:3000


This is a student project that was created at CodeOp, a full stack development bootcamp in Barcelona.