
Etsy clone: Rails 4, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Pinterest-style UI.

Primary LanguageRuby


Find deployed here: http://www.cassim.co/ Cassim app is an Etsy-like marketplace where buyers and sellers can discover products sold worldwide.

Technical stack: Ruby on Rails 4, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch (full-text search), Ruby bindings for Selenium Webscraper (Etsy content scraping), Masonry UI.

Currently under development:

  • Stripe API integration
  • AJAX content fetching for faster site load speed
  • Content tagging

To clone & run:

  • Ruby 2.2.0

  • Rails 4.1.8

  • Database creation: rake db:drop db:create db:migrate rake etsy:scrape

  • Rspec unit & feature tests in /spec directory


(a) Features by audience

Features by audience

(b) Browse by products

Browse by products

(c) Browse by sellers

Browse by sellers

(d) Seller store

Seller store

(e) Seller admin dashboard

Seller dashboard