
Assignments for Coursera course: HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

Primary LanguageHTML


Assignments for Coursera course: HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

Module 2 Coding Assignment





Review criteria

  • Does the implementation use a CSS or Javascript framework (not allowed)?
  • Does the implementation use inline CSS (not allowed) or reference a CSS file instead?
  • Does the implemented layout conform to the provided mockup illustrations for desktop, tablet, and mobile views?
  • Does the section title region always appear in the top right corner of the section region, no matter what view is being displayed (desktop, tablet, or mobile)?
  • Is there consistent horizontal spacing between the section regions and browser edges (especially in the desktop and tablet views) and consistent vertical spacing between the regions (especially in the tablet and mobile views)?
  • Is there padding separating the dummy text from the edges of the section? Is the dummy text pushed down such that it doesn’t overlap the section title region?
  • Are the borders and colors implemented according the stated requirements?

Module 3 Coding Assignment





Review criteria

  • Does the implementation use inline CSS styles at all (not allowed) or does it reference an external CSS file?
  • Is the default navbar implemented such that it scrolls away with the page, i.e., it's not statically attached to the top of bottom of the screen?
  • Does the brand name "Food, LLC" properly aligned to the left of the navbar and does it use navbar-brand class?
  • Is the dropdown menu button only visible when the browser is narrow enough to be in mobile view?
  • Does clicking the dropdown menu button make the dropdown menu to slide down? Does it take up the entire width of the browser (minus some margins)?
  • Is the label of the each menu item (e.g., "Chicken") centered using a Bootstrap class?
  • Is the page heading, "Our Menu", centered on the screen using the Bootstrap class?
  • Is the single cell section (or multiple sections as per optional part of the assignment) using the Bootstrap Grid System and is the section tall enough to force the viewer to scroll if they wanted to get to the bottom of the page.

Module 4 Coding Assignment





Review criteria:

This is a pass or fail assignment. If the required functionality works, you pass. If it doesn't, it's marked as failed. (I.e., try again).

Module 5 Coding Assignment





Review criteria

  • Load the home page in the browser.
  • Click on the Specials tile. A single page category with a list of menu items for some category should appear.
  • Click on the restaurant logo to go back to the home page.
  • Click on the Specials tile again. Most likely, a different single page category page will be shown.

Repeat this several times to make sure that most of the time you see a different single category page.