
S.js - Simple, Clean, Fast Reactive Programming in Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


S.js is a small library for performing simple, clean, fast reactive programming in Javascript. It aims for a simple mental model, a clean and expressive syntax, and fast execution.

In plain terms, S helps you keep things up-to-date in your program. S programs work like a spreadsheet: when data changes, S automatically updates downstream computations.

Here's a tiny example:

var a = S.data(1),                   //       a() |   1     3     3     5       
    b = S.data(2),                   //       b() |   2     2     4     6 
    c = S(() => a() + b()),          //       c() |   3     5     7    11 
    d = S(() => c() * a()); // t0    //       d() |   3    15    21    55  
a(3);                       // t1    //           +------------------------> 
b(4);                       // t2    //              t0    t1    t2    t3
S.freeze(() => {                     //    
    a(5);                            //    
    b(6);                            //    
});                         // t3    //    

The timeline on the right shows how the values evolve at each instant. Initially (time t0), c() and d() are 3, but when a() changes to 3 (t1), they become 5 and 15. Ditto for t2 and t3. Every time a() or b() changes, S re-evaluates c() and d() to make sure they stay consistent.

To achieve this behavior, static data and computations must be converted to signals, which is a reactive term for a value that changes over time. S data signals are constructed by S.data(<value>) and computations by S(() => <code>). Both return closures: call a signal to read its current value; pass a data signal a new value to change it.

When an S computation runs, S records what signals it references, thereby creating a live dependency graph of running code. When data changes, S uses that graph to figure out what needs to be updated and in what order.

S has a small API. The example above shows S.freeze(), which aggregates multiple changes into a single step (t3). The full API is listed below.

S Features

S maintains a few useful behaviors while it runs. These features are designed to make it easier to reason about reactive programming:

Automatic Dependencies - No manual (un)subscription to change events. Dependencies in S are automatic and exact.

Guaranteed Currency - No need to worry about how change propagates through the system. S insures that signals always return current and updated values.

Exact Updates - No missed or redundant updates. Computations run exactly once per upstream change event.

A Unified Global Timeline - No confusing nested or overlapping mutations from different sections of code. S apps advance through a series of discrete "instants" during which state is immutable.

Self-Extensible - Computations can extend the system by creating new "child" computations.

Automatic Disposals - No manual disposal of stale computations. "Child" computations are disposed automatically when their "parent" updates.

For advanced cases, S provides capabilities for dealing with self-mutating code:

Multi-Step Updates - Computations can set data signals during their execution. These changes don't take effect until the current "instant" finishes, resulting in a multi-step update.

Partitionable Time - Multi-step updates can run on a 'subclock,' meaning that surrounding code will only respond to final, at-rest values, not intermediate ones.

An Example: TodoMVC in S (plus friends)

What else, right? S is just a core library for dealing with change; it takes more to build an application. This example uses Surplus.js, aka "S plus" a few companion libraries. Most notably, it uses Surplus' JSX preprocessor for embedded DOM construction.

var Todo = t => ({               // our Todo constructor
       title: S.data(t.title),   // properties are data signals
       done: S.data(t.done)
    todos = SArray([]),          // our array of todos
    newTitle = S.data(""),       // title for new todos
    addTodo = () => {            // push new title onto list
       todos.push(Todo({ title: newTitle(), done: false }));
       newTitle("");             // clear new title
    view = S.root(() =>
       <div>                     // declarative main view
          <input type="text" {...data(newTitle)}/>
          <a onClick={addTodo}>+</a>
          {todos.map(todo =>     // insert todo views
                <input type="checkbox" {...data(todo.done)}/>
                <input type="text" {...data(todo.title)}/>
                <a onClick={() => todos.remove(todo)}>&times;</a>

document.body.appendChild(view); // add view to document

Some things to note:

  • There's no code to handle updating the application. Other than a liberal sprinkling of ()'s, this could be static code. In the lingo, S enables declarative programming, where we focus on defining how things should be and S handles updating the app from one state to the next as our data changes.

  • The Surplus library leverages S computations to construct the dynamic parts of the view (the '{ ... }' expressions). Whenever our data changes, S updates the affected parts of the DOM automatically.

  • S handles updates in as efficient a manner as possible: Surplus apps generally place at or near the top of the various web framework benchmarks (ToDoMVC, dbmonster, js-framework-benchmark, etc).

Reactive programs also have the benefit of an open structure that enables extensibility. For instance, we can add localStorage persistence with no changes to the code above and only a handful of new lines:

if (localStorage.todos) // load stored todos on start
S(() =>                 // store todos whenever they change
    localStorage.todos = JSON.stringify(todos()));



S.root(dispose => <code>)

Computations created by <code> live until dispose is called. S will log an error if you try to construct a computation that is not under a root or parent computation.


Construct a data signal whose initial value is <value>.

S(() => <code>)

Construct a computation whose value is the result of the given <code>.

S(val => <code>, <seed>)

Construct a reducing computation, whose new value is derived from the last one, staring with <seed>.

S.on(<signal>, val => <code>, <seed>, <onchanges>)

Statically declare a computation's dependencies, rather than relying on S's automatic dependency detection.

<seed> is optional, with default undefined.

<onchanges> is optional and defaults to false. If <onchanges> is true, then the initial run is skipped (i.e. computation starts with value <seed> and doesn't run <code> until a change occurs).

<signal> may be an array, in which case dependencies are created for each signal in the array.


S.freeze(() => <code>)

Run <code>, but hold any data changes it produces in a pending state until it completes, at which point they all run as a single update. If called within a computation, the system is already frozen, so freeze is inert. Returns value of <code>.


Sample the current value of <signal> but don't create a dependency on it.

S.cleanup(final => <code>)

Run the given function just before the enclosing computation updates or is disposed. The function receives a boolean parameter indicating whether this is the "final" cleanup, with true meaning the computation is being disposed, false it is being updated.

S.cleanup() is used to free external resources which a computation may have claimed, like DOM event subscriptions. Computations can register as many cleanup handlers as needed, usually adjacent to where the resources are claimed.

S.subclock(() => <code>)

Run computations and data signals created by <code> on a subclock, meaning that they don't just run but run to completion before surrounding code reads them.

© 2017 Adam Haile, adam.haile@gmail.com. MIT License.