- AlqobaisRiyadh
- anunta90Republic of Korea
- c4p-n1ckOne GEO-int and you know almost everything LOL.
- carlosg2
- chilledfrogsParis
- danrobi11Montreal, Canada
- deanbrah
- dzcpy
- eshohetEarth
- felix76
- FelixCMD
- ferranrego@vocdoni
- frabrunelle
- i001962Woodside, CA
- IanGordonOneAptos CA
- jadsonlourencoBrazil
- jasonzhouuHong Kong
- lunchnet
- mistakiaaround
- Mr-N-obody
- myrualNA
- nighthawk24Nighthawk Apps
- nikolatJapan
- noctisatraeFrance
- nvk
- Omega9D.V.I.
- ParAmbula
- Pengxn@xn-02f
- rafaeletcLimeira, SP, Brasil
- RamXXVMware, Inc.
- RandyMcMillan@bitcoincore-dev
- Revertron
- robertheesselsBreasy
- scocasso
- timjrobinsonBrisbane, Australia
- worldpeaceenginelabsWorld Peace Engine Labs