Beware: running ./ . is not recommended. This is fully recursive and will dive into the .git folder and any other folders.

Note: will fail if any directory it processes doesn't have an index.json file.

For these reasons you should call both of them like this:

./ bites/ clips/
./ bites/ clips/

to do: [x] remove ids from titles, relying entirely on index [ ] functionality to segment one from audacity label track [x] recover ones from shortcuts [x] recover unavailable [x] index non-youtube files in a subobject [x] acoustid fingerprints [x] downloader - ignore already downloaded files before sending to ytdl [ ] script to delete all indexed files?

windows lnks:

  • fock - fock "C:\Users\joelm\Videos\Editing\we will we will fock\3 fock.wav"
  • sound - stellaris sound effects folder "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stellaris\sound"

for finding old-style downloads:

find . | grep --perl-regexp --regexp='-[\w\-]{11}'

for finding new-style downloads:

find . | grep --perl-regexp --regexp='\[[\w\-]{11}]'

for renaming new-style downloads:

find . | perl-rename "s/ \[[\w\-]{11}]//"

for searching indexes:

find . -name 'index.json' -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i 'james may'

to add: