RabbitMQ benchmark. Using RabbitMQ-java-client API.

- commons-cl-1.1.jar
- commons-io-1.2.jar
- rabbitmq-client.jar


Clone from git://github.com/iriya/rabbitmq-benchmark.git and run make.
If want test special version of rabbitmq, look into Makefile and edit the 'CLIENT=' section.

1. Produce test:
It takes 4 arguments:

1) queue name, default is 'single'.
2) per message size, default is 1k bytes.
3) persistence, default is not.
4) total count of messages during test, default is 100k.

Example: producer myqueue 1024 true 100000

2. Consume test:
It takes 5 arguments:

1) queue name, default is 'single'.
2) consumer numbers, default is one, 1 thread/per consumer.
3) QOS, messages that consumer can receive once a time. default is 0, means no limit.
4) auto ack, default is true.
5) persistence, default is not.

Example: consumer myqueue 2 10 true true