
Groovy DSL for Apache oozie workflow

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


gradle-oozie-plugin provides a simple Groovy DSL for Apache oozie workflow because creating flows in XML causes serious brian damage!


maven repo: http://repository-uncommon-configuration.forge.cloudbees.com/release/
groupId: org.github.mansur.oozie
artifactId: gradle-oozie-plugin
version: 0.1

Supported workflow actions

Following workflow actions are supported

  1. java
  2. mapreduce
  3. pig
  4. hive
  5. ssh
  6. fs
  7. shell
  8. sub-workflow

In addition following decision nodes are also supported

  1. start
  2. end
  3. kill
  4. decision
  5. fork and join


buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "http://repository-uncommon-configuration.forge.cloudbees.com/release/"

    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.github.mansur.oozie:gradle-oozie-plugin:0.1'


apply plugin: 'oozie'

This is how a mapreduce flow looks like in XML

<action name='first_map_reduce'>
        <delete path='http://jobtracker/pattern' />
    <ok to='end' />
    <error to='fail' />

and this is the same flow in groovy dsl

oozie {
first_map_reduce = [
            name: "first_map_reduce",
            type: "mapreduce",
            delete: ["${jobTracker}/pattern"],
            jobXML: "job.xml",
            ok: "end",
            error: "fail",
            configuration: [
                    "mapred.map.output.compress": "false",
                    "mapred.job.queue.name": "queuename"

see build.gradle and generated workflow.xml for a complete workflow