
A group of exercises aimed at learning the basic concepts of programming in the C++ 98 language. This set of exercises covers classes, methods, scopes, inheritance, encapsulation, virtualization and basic development procedures in C++

Getting Started

These instructions will permits you download and compile a copy of this proyect on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy this proyect on a live system or network.

	git clone https://github.com/irodrigo-42Mad/CPP_piscine.git


	go to https://github.com/irodrigo-42Mad/CPP_piscine.git 

and in the "Code" button, you can select download zip option and uncompress in your local machine.


For the correct compilation and use of these functions we must have installed in the system the GNU GCC compiler as well as the make tool to be able to mount the library.

	In OS X only need to have installed Xcode, the developer IDE from Apple. 
	$ xcode-select --install

for Mac and Linux users, need install GCC compiler and developer tools using following commands:

	$ sudo apt install gcc
	$ sudo apt install build-essential

after this you can compile this program correctly.


Each of the statements has several exercises inside, organizing in a folder structure with the exercise name and inside each exercise number, to test each of the exercises and examples of this pool, we must do the following:

Enter the main folder and then go to the desired number using the system CD command for example:

$ cd CPP_piscine/cpp00/ex00

and do make and then run:

$ ./ex00 <modifyers> (if any)

Built With

  • GNU GCC - The C Compiler used
  • Xcode - IDE GUI Editor to deploy
  • Visual Studio Code - IDE GUI Editor to deploy
  • VIM - Terminal Editor to deploy
  • LLDB - Debuger aplication
  • leaks - Check memory assigment and leak situations
  • Valgrind - Check memory assigment and leak situations


Version 1.0


Other notes
