
Lightweight, written natively in Swift, circular UIScrollView.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version Carthage Compatible License Platform Twitter

SwiftCarousel is a lightweight, written natively in Swift, circular UIScrollView.
So what is there more to that than just a circular scroll view? You can spin it like a real carousel!

SwiftCarousel example SwiftCarousel example


Swift 2.0, iOS 9


SwiftCarousel is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SwiftCarousel"

Then run pod install and it should be 🔥 Also remember to add import SwiftCarousel in your project.


You can use Examples directory for examples with creating SwiftCarousel using IB or code.

Basic usage using Interface Builder (Storyboard/xibs)

First, create UIView object and assign SwiftCarousel class to it. Then we need to assign some selectable UIViews. It might be UILabels, UIImageViews etc. The last step would be setting correct resizeType parameter which contains:

public enum SwiftCarouselResizeType {
    // WithoutResizing is adding frames as they are.
    // Parameter = spacing between UIViews.
    // !!You need to pass correct frame sizes as items!!
    case WithoutResizing(CGFloat)

    // VisibleItemsPerPage will try to fit the number of items you specify
    // in the whole screen (will resize them of course).
    // Parameter = number of items visible on screen.
    case VisibleItemsPerPage(Int)

    // FloatWithSpacing will use sizeToFit() on your views to correctly place images
    // It is helpful for instance with UILabels (Example1 in Examples folder).
    // Parameter = spacing between UIViews.
    case FloatWithSpacing(CGFloat)

Basic setup would look like:

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    items = ["Elephants", "Tigers", "Chickens", "Owls", "Rats", "Parrots", "Snakes"]
    itemsViews = items!.map { labelForString($0) }
    carousel.items = itemsViews!
    carousel.resizeType = .VisibleItemsPerPage(3)
    carousel.defaultSelectedIndex = 3 // Select default item at start
    carousel.delegate = self

func labelForString(string: String) -> UILabel {
    let text = UILabel()
    text.text = string
    text.textColor = .blackColor()
    text.textAlignment = .Center
    text.font = .systemFontOfSize(24.0)
    text.numberOfLines = 0

    return text

Basic usage using pure code

let rect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: view.center.x - 200.0, y: view.center.y - 100.0), size: CGSize(width: 400.0, height: 200.0))
images = (1...5).map { choice in
    let imageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "puppy\(choice)"))
    imageView.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPointZero, size: CGSize(width: 200.0, height: 200.0))

    return imageView
carouselView = SwiftCarousel(frame: rect, images: images)
carouselView.resizeType = .WithoutResizing(10.0)

Additional methods, properties & delegate

You can use method selectItem(_:animated:) to programmatically select your item:

carousel.selectItem(1, animated: true)

Or you can set default selected item:

carousel.defaultSelectedIndex = 3

You can disable selecting item by tapping it (its enabled by default):

carousel.selectByTapEnabled = false

You can also get current selected index:

let selectedIndex = carousel.selectedIndex

You can implement SwiftCarouselDelegate protocol:

@objc public protocol SwiftCarouselDelegate {
    optional func didSelectItem(item item: UIView, index: Int) -> UIView?
    optional func didDeselectItem(item item: UIView, index: Int) -> UIView?
    optional func didScroll(toOffset offset: CGPoint) -> Void
    optional func willBeginDragging(withOffset offset: CGPoint) -> Void
    optional func didEndDragging(withOffset offset: CGPoint) -> Void

Then you need to set the delegate property:

carousel.delegate = self

If you need more, basic usages in Example1 project in directory Examples.


Łukasz Mróz, lukasz.mroz@droidsonroids.pl


SwiftCarousel is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.