
The Be My Eyes website ~ lend your eyes to the blind

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to build

The website is build using Hammer for Mac. In order to build the website you must install this app, clone this repository and add the root folder to Hammer. Everytime a file in the cloned reposity is saved a new build is generated by Hammer. New builds are generated in the /Build folder.

Builds can be viewed by opening the index.html in the Build folder or by install Anvil for Mac to host the site locally. Anvil provides the increased benefit of adding xip.io support so your site can be browsed by other devices on your network.

How to deploy

Any pushes to the production branch of this repository are automatically deployed to S3 by Forge where the site is hosted. PLEASE PLEASE make an optimized build in Hammer and commit it before pushing to production. This will greatly decrease the size of the hosted files and the speed of the website.