my manifesto for work life

Notions that take a massive place in my work philosophy.

Reading these 'messages from the past' brings me positive thinking

Content table

Progress coin

Technology is a Pharmakon

Cure and poison at the same time, technology must be used wisely. It will always be the meteor that destroys one civilization, and the long-awaited saving season of another civilization.

Who can stop a meteor or a season ? Could we survive the meteor crash without expecting too much upcoming seasons ?

Technology creators and users can not be blind to each side of the progress coin.

Counter intuitiveness

Innovation is dead, long live innovation

In this innovation playground, counter-intuitiveness is the key building block. Following the illogic rabbit down the madness loft could lead to a creative universe of wonders.


True genius is humble

Modesty is a must. Ego displaying is one of the only thing that can destroy accomplishments. This type of behavior have no place in good business.


Let there be lights

Gotta be a fantasy before it becomes a reality.

Everyone has ideas, and the only judge is execution. Stopping idea-shaming, auto-censorship and quick opinions should be a high priority. Lets give dreams a chance to unfold.


Show and don't tell

Nowadays, brands tend to push their marketing side first, and that's normal, given how many things seems to work around storytelling. These brands just need to remember that, if you want to accomplish real things, you may have to cut the bullshit and start working on concrete one day or another.

Stop brainwashing, we want mind-blowing !

Decoding and hacking

Everything can be decoded

Everything as an explanation and an operating mode, and passionate people have a duty. That duty is to understand their passion, explore it, hack it, make it and eventually contribute to it.

Future is in the hands of explorers, hackers and makers.

Subcultures and empathy

We are groot

In business, many tend to overlook everything coming from the entertainment industry, ignoring well established subcultures and conforming to mass culture and status quo. Some even put themselves against such cultures without care. Most of the time, that's a bad move.

Ignoring subcultures would be a big mistake, and innovators should have strong antropology and empathy skills.

Risk Taking

All the winners have played

Risk-taking is a non-negotiable part of the creative journey. The suffering is part of the game and should be expected and used efficiently. Athletes say "No pain no gain", and gamers thinks "No shoot no loot".


It's a fine line between goodness and madness

To change the rules, and redefine the game, you may have to move the lines. To the outside world you will look first foolish and ludicrous, then dangerous and subversive, and finally trivial and obvious.

Inspiration, creativity, curiosity

Inspiration is a fuel, curiosity a power, and creativity a duty

Writer's block is an issue needing proactive fight. Those able to master one of the tree vital elements that are inspiration, curiosity and creativity will do wonders. Best thing being everyone is capable of it.

We must make sure inspiration flows non-stop, curiosity is sharpened, and creativity is managed.


Stronger wind, stronger trees

Constraint lead to more creative work, help cutting the superfluous, and bring back pragmatism. Trying to never complain about restrictions is almost impossible, but changing perception is often an easy move :

Constraints must be embraced, challenges must be beloved. Once overcame, constraints also forges badass people.

Work & fun

Work should be fun

Grab a sock is time to rock !

Of course work is not always fun, but everyone must try making it funnier. Working hours should be a good time for everybody. It is not just a pass-time to get money, it's how we will spend most part of our lives.


Failures are catalysts

In European culture we tend to be afraid of failure. And its hard to get your head wrapped around the idea that there is nothing to be afraid of in failure. Life is an experiment an sometimes these things go wrong. That's when the chemist take another sample with new knowledge in mind.

Don't seek failure but use it as a rocket towards success.


Workflow Fluency

Focused on the end of the line, on the final result, we are used to skip the methods. Rush, sprint and chaos can have benefits, but questioning the process can only lead to better products..

Skill set

Blurred boundaries

In this fast moving society, adaptation is key. Your set of skills is your only weapons. Don't settle for the one that were given to you by others, seek for new ones or create them. We only grow old when we stop learning.

Be proud of pluridisciplinarity, create a common language, be the best intermediary.

Sharpen, craft and use your skills to adapt and survive.


Harmony is everything

The lines between what is "online" and "offline", and the line between "ideas" and a "final products" are losing meaning. Real, digital and conceptual must make one coherent all

The first line is destroyed by phygital, a two way inspiration flux that will shape future experiences : the real world taking inspiration from the web and vice-versa.

The second line, the delay between an idea and a final product is now ridiculous compared to old standards. Also, no product is truly finished, and we all are beta testers for the V2.

Also, we should no longer differentiate a product from a service, as everything now should be a mixed experience.

Apart from fluidity and impact, the key to a good experience is harmony.


Every details counts

Concerning products ( or services ), perfection lies in the little details and the special attentions. Sure, raw and efficient products can be attractive but polished finishes tells the tale.


Stepping out of the crowd

Differentiation is one of the last advantage a company can have on its competitors, so it should be a main focus point.

It's becoming harder and harder to be heard, meaning changes and differences shall be more and more radical.

Remember than human mind craves for difference.


Barriers are down

Thanks to the powerful digital revolution we are experiencing, action is now easier.

  • Learning and knowledge are a click away.
  • We fix giant problems collectively.
  • Consumers are now actors.
  • Artists have a giant stage to perform on.
  • Free content, method and tools are everywhere

We could go on and on with that list of massive changes.

Nevermind your age, skills or budget. No more excuses of places, time and tools.

It all goes down to will and wifi.