
WordPress DB package.

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IronBound DB

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IronBound DB is a straightforward, but powerful, ORM for WordPress. It facilitates the creation of custom database tables, and bridges the gap between WordPress functionality and IronBound Models.

Installs with composer.

composer require ironbound/db v2.0.0

Basic Usage


One to Many

$author = Author::create( array( 'name' => 'John Doe' ) );
$author->books->add( new Book( array( 'title' => "John's Book" ) ) );

// Eager load One-to-Many Books relationship to prevent N+1 problem
$authors = Author::with( 'books' )->results();

foreach ( $authors as $author ) {
	foreach ( $author->books as $book ) {
		$book->price += 5.00;


Many to Many

$book1 = Book::create( array( 'title' => 'Book 1' ) );
$book2 = Book::create( array( 'title' => 'Book 2' ) );
$book3 = Book::create( array( 'title' => 'Book 3' ) );

$bronx		= Library::create( array( 'name' => 'Bronx Library' ) );
$manhattan  = Library::create( array( 'name' => 'Manhattan Library' ) );

$manhattan->books->add( $book2 );
$manhattan->books->add( $book3 );

$bronx->books->add( $book1 );
$bronx->books->add( $book2 );

$manhattan->books->removeElement( $book3 );
$manhattan->books->add( $book1 );

Interacting with WordPress Models

Model's can have any of the four WordPress objects (Posts, Users, Comments, Terms) as attributes. They will be saved or created whenever the Model is saved.

$author = Author::get( 1 );
$author->user->display_name = 'John Doe'; // This is a WP_User object
$author->picture->post_title = 'John Doe'; // This is a WP_Post object
$author->save(); // The User and Post were automatically saved

// You can have WP objects inserted too

$author = new Author(
	'picture' => new WP_Post( (object) array( 
		'post_type'  => 'attachment',
		'post_title' => 'Jane Doe'
	) );

Meta Support

Author::create( array( 
 	'name' => 'John Doe'
 ) )->update_meta( 'favorite_color', 'blue' );

Author::create( array( 
 	'name' => 'Jane Doe'
 ) )->update_meta( 'favorite_color', 'green' );
$authors = Author::query()->where_meta( array( 
		'key' 	=> 'favorite_color',
		'value' => 'blue'
) )->results();


When used with WPEvents, IronBound DB will fire events (actions) when various state changes occur.

Book::created( function( GenericEvent $event ) {
	$book = $event->get_subject();
	// do custom processing...
} );

Book::saving( function( GenericEvent $event ) {

	$book = $event->get_subject();
	if ( $book->price === 0 ) {
		throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Books are not allowed to be free!' );
} );

Foreign Key Constrains

If the constraint behavior is set to cascade, this will delete both the Author and the Book. deleted events will be fired for each model. Constraints require WPEvents be configured.

$author = Author::create( array( 'name' => 'John Doe' ) );
$book 	= Book::create( array( 'title' => "John's Book", 'author' => $author ) );


Defining Models

class Author extends \IronBound\DB\Model\ModelWithMeta {

	public function get_pk() {
		return $this->id;
	protected function _books_relation() {
		$relation = new HasMany( 'author', get_class( new Book() ), $this, 'books' );
		return $relation;
	protected static function get_table() {
		return static::$_db_manager->get( 'authors' );
	public static function get_meta_table() {
    		return static::$_db_manager->get( 'authors-meta' );

Defining Tables

Tables are defined in PHP. Each model is represented by a table. Tables are generally defined by a PHP class.

Basic Model Tables

class Authors extends \IronBound\DB\Table\BaseTable {

	public function get_table_name( \wpdb $wpdb ) {
		return "{$wpdb->prefix}authors";

	public function get_slug() {
		return 'authors';
	public function get_columns() {
		return array(
			'id'         => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\IntegerBased( 'BIGINT', 'id', array( 'unsigned', 'auto_increment' ), array( 20 ) ),
			'name'       => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\StringBased( 'VARCHAR', 'name', array(), array( 60 ) ),
			'birth_date' => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\DateTime( 'birth_date' ),
			'bio'        => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\StringBased( 'LONGTEXT', 'bio' ),
			'picture'    => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\ForeignPost( 'picture', new \IronBound\DB\Saver\PostSaver() ),
			'user'    	 => new \IronBound\DB\Table\Column\ForeignUser( 'user', new \IronBound\DB\Saver\UserSaver() )

	public function get_column_defaults() {
		return array(
			'id'         => 0,
			'name'       => '',
			'birth_date' => '',
			'bio'        => '',
			'picture'    => 0,
			'user'		 => 0

	public function get_primary_key() {
		return 'id';

	public function get_version() {
		return 1;

\IronBound\DB\Manager::register( new Authors() );
\IronBound\DB\Manager::register( new BaseMetaTable( new Authors() ) );
\IronBound\DB\Manager::maybe_install_table( new Authors() );
\IronBound\DB\Manager::maybe_install_table( new BaseMetaTable( new Authors() ) );

Foreign Key Constrains

class Authors extends \IronBound\DB\Table\BaseTable implements \IronBound\DB\Table\ForeignKey\DeleteConstrained {

	// ... other methods

	public function get_delete_constraints() {
		return array(
			'user' 	  => self::RESTRICT    // Exception thrown when deleting a User if an author referencing it exists,
			'picture' => self::SET_DEFAULT // The column will be updated to its default value when its referenced post is deleted 

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