
How do I approach designing software?

  • What new design skills has your work on the project helped you to craft?
    This project facilitated a deep dive into the meticulous planning required for developing a 3D environment. I learned the importance of breaking down complex objects into simpler geometric shapes, the intricacies of spatial layout, and the need for a robust design document.

  • What design process did you follow for your project work?
    My design process was iterative and began with an analysis of the 2D concept. After identifying key objects and their possible 3D geometric representations, I sketched out a rough design on paper before transitioning to the development phase.

  • How could tactics from your design approach be applied in future work?
    The iterative design process and the practice of starting with simpler models for complex objects can be universally applied. Whether it's game design, simulation development, or any form of 3D visualization, these tactics will hold value.

How do I approach developing programs?

  • What new development strategies did you use while working on your 3D scene?
    My approach incorporated a modular development strategy where I built and tested each object individually before integrating it into the larger scene. This helped in isolating issues and made debugging significantly easier.

  • How did iteration factor into your development?
    Iteration was a constant theme. Each object went through multiple revisions, and the scene itself evolved over time, especially as my comfort level with OpenGL and 3D mathematical concepts grew.

  • How has your approach to developing code evolved throughout the milestones, which led you to the project’s completion?
    The project served as a catalyst for evolving from a 'code-first' to a 'design-first' approach. The complexities of 3D rendering require meticulous planning, and this project underscored the importance of a well-thought-out design phase.

How can computer science help me in reaching my goals?

  • How do computational graphics and visualizations give you new knowledge and skills that can be applied in your future educational pathway?
    The project has equipped me with a set of specialized skills in 3D rendering, which are highly applicable to areas of research like virtual reality, simulations, and even machine learning for image recognition.

  • How do computational graphics and visualizations give you new knowledge and skills that can be applied in your future professional pathway?
    Beyond the educational scope, the skills acquired during this project have broad industry applications. They're relevant in game development, architecture simulations, and any field requiring spatial visualization, such as medical imaging or geospatial sciences.