
Rest library for Go

Primary LanguageGo


Snooze is a type safe REST library that allows you to specify describe API endpoints as functions in Go. Allows for fast integration with 3rd party APIs


package snooze

import "net/http"

type api struct {
	Login   func(loginData) (userData, error)             `method:"POST" path:"/auth/login"`
	Friends func(page int, count int) ([]userData, error) `method:"GET" path:"/me/friends?page={0}&count={1}"`
	Profile func(id string) (userData, error)             `method:"GET" path:"/user/{0}"`

func Example() {
	client := Client{
		Root: "http://example.com",
		Before: func(r *http.Request, c *http.Client) {
			values := r.URL.Query()
			values.Add("session", "123456")
			r.URL.RawQuery = values.Encode()

	api := new(api)

	api.Login(loginData{"test@example.com", "password"})
	api.Friends(1, 100)

type loginData struct {
	Email    string
	Password string

type userData struct {
	Id      string
	Picture string