
Deployment code for Openshift 4.

Primary LanguageHCL


This repo contains code to deploy Openshift 4 for my homelab. It focuses on UPI with vSphere 6.7u3, a full write up is available on openshift.com.

May 2021 - The code here is working against 4.7.


On a Mac you will need to install a few packages via brew.

brew install jq watch gsed


Code for each OCP release lives on a numbered branch. The master branch represents the latest stable iteration and will likely be behind branches. In otherwords, check the number branches first before looking at master.

  • This repo requires Terraform 0.13 or newer
  • Install oc tools with ./install-oc-tools.sh --latest 4.6
  • This code use yamldecode - details here
  1. Create ~/.config/ocp/vsphere.yaml for yamldecode use, sample content:
alex@mooncake ~ % cat .config/ocp/vsphere.yaml
vsphere-user: administrator@vsphere.local
vsphere-password: "123!"
vsphere-dc: ktzdc
vsphere-cluster: ktzcluster
  1. Configure DNS - https://blog.ktz.me/configure-unbound-dns-for-openshift-4/ - if using CoreDNS this is optional.
  2. Create install-config.yaml and ensure cluster_slug matches metadata: name: below.
apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: openshift.lab.int
- hyperthreading: Enabled
  name: worker
  replicas: 0
  hyperthreading: Enabled
  name: master
  replicas: 3
  name: ocp4
    username: administrator@vsphere.local
    password: supersecretpassword
    datacenter: ktzdc
    defaultDatastore: nvme
fips: false 
pullSecret: 'YOUR_PULL_SECRET'
  1. Customize clusters/lab/terraform.tfvars with any relevant configuration.

  2. Run make tfinit to initialise Terraform modules

  3. Run make lab to create the VMs and generate/install ignition configs

  4. Monitor install progress with make wait-for-bootstrap

  5. Check and approve pending CSRs with make get-csr and make approve-csr

  6. Run make bootstrap-complete to destroy the bootstrap VM

  7. Run make wait-for-install and wait for the cluster install to complete

  8. Enjoy!