
Creates a RHCOS node ignition config to run HAProxy as a container via podman.

Primary LanguageJinja


This is an example repo to generate a HAProxy config and convert it to an ignition file suitable for use with Red Hat CoreOS.


You will need to install Ansible and Butane locally. Then examine the Makefile for the required commands.

# using the makefile
make lbign

# manually
ansible-playbook local.yaml --connection=local
butane -d output --pretty --strict < output/haproxy.fcc > output/haproxy.ign

In both cases the file output to output/haproxy.ign is an Ignition file suitable for ingestion by RHCOS. It will create a container automatically running Haproxy via podman.

For real world usage this should be adapted into a standalone role and the values in defaults should be customized.

Credit to: cptmorgan-rh