
Ironman Software PowerShell samples.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

PowerShell Universal Samples

This repository contains samples for PowerShell Universal.


Samples are licensed under MIT.


We accept pull requests to this repository.

PowerShell Universal Extension

Samples that are added to the repository will automatically show up in the PowerShell Universal VS Code extension.

Single File Samples

Single file samples should be stored within the correct folder as a .ps1 file. You should include a comment at the top within information about your sample. It should at least contain the title, description, version, and file. The comment should be in YAML syntax.

title: A title for your sample
description: A description of your sample
file: Includes the file to update. 
version: The minium version number of Universal required for this sample

The rest of your sample can just be PowerShell. The PowerShell script will be inserted into the appropriate file when the sample is used.

title: A basic endpoint
description: A cool endpoint that does stuff.
file: endpoints.ps1
version: 1.5.8
New-PSUEndpoint -Method GET -Url /get -Endpoint {
    "Hello, world"

Multi-File Samples

Multi-file samples can be included in a directory with a manifest.yml file. The manifest file should include all the same information as the single file sample; except the file.

title: Image Processing Dashboard
description: A dashboard that processes an image
version: 1.5.8

You can then include multiple files in the folder. The files should match the configuration files you wish to update. The PowerShell script will be inserted into existing files.