
Fast and easy-to-use skip list for Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Skip List in Golang

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This package was created by forking the skiplist library that Huandu's great job

Skip list is an ordered map. See wikipedia page skip list to learn algorithm details about this data structure.

Highlights in this implementation:

  • Based on generic No reflection, No interface{}
  • Support custom comparable function so that any type can be used as key.
  • Rand source and max level can be changed per list. It can be useful in performance critical scenarios.
  • Optional memory pool use
  • Optional thread-safe instance SafeSkipList, SkipList


Not fully tested


Install this package through go get.

go get github.com/ironpark/skiplist


Basic Usage

Here is a quick sample.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create a skip list with int key.
    list := skiplist.New[int,any](skiplist.NumberComparator[int])

    // Add some values. Value can be anything.
    list.Set(12, "hello world")
    list.Set(34, 56)
    list.Set(78, 90.12)

    // Get element by index.
    elem := list.Get(34)                // Value is stored in elem.Value.
    fmt.Println(elem.Value)             // Output: 56
    next := elem.Next()                 // Get next element.
    prev := next.Prev()                 // Get previous element.
    fmt.Println(next.Value, prev.Value) // Output: 90.12    56

    // Or, directly get value just like a map
    val, ok := list.GetValue(34)
    fmt.Println(val, ok) // Output: 56  true

    // Find first elements with score greater or equal to key
    foundElem := list.Find(30)
    fmt.Println(foundElem.Key(), foundElem.Value) // Output: 34 56

    // Remove an element for key.

Thread Safe

package main

import (

func main() {
  // Create a skip list with int key.
  list := skiplist.New[int, struct{}](skiplist.NumberComparator[int],skiplist.WithMutex())
  wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
  for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
    go func(i int) {
      list.Set(i, struct{}{})


This library is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.