
IRCollectionTableViewModel-swift is a powerful MVVM Tableview/CollectionView for iOS, which is flexible and can easy to handle and reuse.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Platform


  • IRCollectionTableViewModel-swift is a powerful MVVM Tableview/CollectionView for iOS, which is flexible and can easy to handle and reuse.
  • The Objc version IRCollectionTableViewModel.


  • MVVM structure.
  • Flexible, Reusable.



  • Git clone this project.
  • Copy this project into your own project.
  • Add the .xcodeproj into you project and link it as embed framework.


  • You can remove the demo and ScreenShots folder.


  • Add pod 'IRCollectionTableViewModel-swift' in the Podfile
  • pod install

Introduction MVVM

  • Model--view--viewmodel (MVVM) is a software architectural pattern.
  • It has advantages more than the tranditional MVC architectural. Can improve the whole code strurcture.
  • More detail can see the MVVM wikipedia. MVVM




  • Create a new class TableViewViewModel extends TableViewBasicViewModel and UITableViewDataSource, and Import IRCollectionTableViewModel-swift
import IRCollectionTableViewModel_swift

class TableViewViewModel: TableViewBasicViewModel, UITableViewDataSource {
  • You can add your init method and register the cell inside
init(tableView: UITableView) {
    items = []
    tableView.register(UINib.init(nibName: TableViewCell.identifier(), bundle: nil), forCellReuseIdentifier: TableViewCell.identifier())
  • Add update method
func update() {
  • For setup items, other words, setup the sections/rows you want to show. Create TableViewSectionItem and TableViewRowItem, DemoSectionType, DemoRowType
enum TableViewSectionType: NSInteger {
    case DemoSection

internal enum ProfileRowType : NSInteger {

    case RowType_DemoRow

class TableViewRowItem: RowBasicModelItem {
    var newType: ProfileRowType = .RowType_DemoRow
    override public var type: ProfileRowType.RawValue {
        set {
            self.newType = ProfileRowType(rawValue: newValue)!
        get {
            return newType.rawValue
    override init(type: RowType, title: String) {
        super.init(type: type, title: title)

class TableViewSectionItem: SectionBasicModelItem {
    private var _sectionTitle: String?
    private var _type: TableViewSectionType = .DemoSection
    override init(rowCount: UInt) {
        super.init(rowCount: rowCount)
    override func sectionTitle() -> String? {
        return self._sectionTitle
    open func sectionTitle(_ sectionTitle: String) {
        self._sectionTitle = sectionTitle
    override func type() -> SectionType {
        return self._type.rawValue
    open func type(_ type: TableViewSectionType) {
        self._type = type
  • Setup items
func setupRows() {
    var rowItems: [RowBasicModelItem] = []
    rowItems.append(TableViewRowItem.init(type: ProfileRowType.RowType_DemoRow.rawValue, title: "Demo Row"))
    rowItems.append(TableViewRowItem.init(type: ProfileRowType.RowType_DemoRow.rawValue, title: "Demo Row"))
    editedTexts = []
    for _ in rowItems {
    let item = TableViewSectionItem.init(rowCount: UInt(rowItems.count))
    item.sectionTitle("Demo Section")
    item.rows = rowItems
  • Override UITableViewDataSource
// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
    func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return items.count
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return items[section].rowCount()
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let item = items[indexPath.section]
        let row = item.rows[indexPath.row]
        switch row.type {
        case ProfileRowType.RowType_DemoRow.rawValue:
            do {
                let cell: TableViewCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: TableViewCell.identifier(), for: indexPath) as! TableViewCell
                cell.titleLabel.text = String.init(format: "%@%ld", row.title!, row.tagRange.location)
                cell.editTextField.text = self.editedTexts[indexPath.row] as String
                cell.editTextField.tag = row.tagRange.location
                cell.editTextField.delegate = self
                return cell
        return UITableViewCell.init()
  • Use your view model TableViewViewModel
var viewModel: TableViewViewModel?

self.tableView.register(UINib.init(nibName: TableViewHeaderView.identifier(), bundle: nil), forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: TableViewHeaderView.identifier())
viewModel = TableViewViewModel.init(tableView: self.tableView)
self.tableView.dataSource = viewModel


  • Just the same way of TableViewViewModel. Create a new class CustomCollectionViewModel extends TableViewBasicViewModel and UICollectionViewDataSource.

  • You can add your init method and register the cell inside.

  • For setup items, other words, setup the sections/rows you want to show. Create CustomCollectionSectionItem and CustomCollectionRowItem, CustomCollectionSectionType.

  • Override UICollectionViewDataSource.

Advanced settings

Methos of TableViewBasicViewModel

  • TableViewBasicViewModel provides some usage methods
// MARK: - Public
public func getRowTypeWith(type: SectionType, row: NSInteger) -> NSInteger
public func getSectionTitleinSection(section: NSInteger) -> String?
public func getSectionLeftIconinSection(section: NSInteger) -> UIImage?
public func getSectionTypeinSection(section: NSInteger) -> SectionType
public func hideRows(hide: Bool, inSection section: NSInteger)
public func hiddenRowsinSection(section: NSInteger) -> Bool
public func getIndexSetWithSectionType(sectionType: SectionType) -> NSIndexSet?
public func getIndexPathWithSectionType(sectionType: SectionType, rowType: RowType) -> NSIndexPath?
public func setupRowTag()
public func getIndexPathFromRowTag(rowTag: NSInteger) -> NSIndexPath


  • Because the cells have reuse feature, somtimes we need to tag the cell/componenst if want to recognize the specific cell/components, thus IRCollectionTableViewModel provides a tag feature

  • Setup tags by setupRowTag, it save the tag information in the tagRange which is in the RowBasicModelItem

- (void)setupRows {
  • Get tag
let row = item.rows[indexPath.row]
let tag = row.tagRange.location
  • Get indexPath by tag
public func getIndexPathFromRowTag(rowTag: NSInteger) -> NSIndexPath
  • Sometimes you want to tag the UI components like UITextField, use setTagRangeLength
var row = TableViewRowItem.init(type: ProfileRowType.RowType_DemoRow.rawValue, title: "Demo Row")


  • Then get tags
let row = item.rows[indexPath.row]
let tag1 = row.tagRange.location
let tag2 = row.tagRange.location + 1

cell.textField1.tag = tag1
cell.textField2.tag = tag2
  • If you wnat to check the tags are mapping to the same index path
self.getIndexPathFromRowTag(tag1) == self.getIndexPathFromRowTag(tag2)

Now, you can easy to tag anyhing you want.

Get Row Type

  • Get row type
self.getRowTypeWith(type: 0, row: 0)

Get Section Title

  • Get section title which set in the SectionBasicModelItem
self.getSectionTitleinSection(section: 0)

Get Section Left Icon

  • Get section icon which set in the SectionBasicModelItem
self.getSectionLeftIconinSection(section: 0)

Get Section Type

  • Get section type by section index
self.getSectionTypeinSection(section: 0)

Hide Rows

  • Hide rows for specific setion by public func hideRows(hide: Bool, inSection section: NSInteger)
  • Check hidden status by public func hiddenRowsinSection(section: NSInteger) -> Bool
if self.hiddenRowsinSection(section: 0) {
    self.hideRows(hide: false, inSection: 0)

Get Index Set

  • Get index of section by section type
self.getIndexSetWithSectionType(sectionType: .DemoSection)

Get IndexPath

  • Get index path by section type and row type
self.getIndexPathWithSectionType(sectionType: .DemoSection, rowType: .RowType_DemoRow)


TableView CollectionView
TableView CollectionView