
nFactorial Incubator - Web3, Day 2

Primary LanguageTypeScript

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N17R - Web3, Day 2

This repo shows an example of how you can communicate with your smart contracts through front-end application. We use React.js and useDapp to showcase how this can be achieved.

Please go through Day 1 repo first since it is going to be needed.


This project was bootstrapped using simple creare-react-app CLI.


git clone https://github.com/ironsoul0/n17r-web3-day2
cd n17r-web3-day2


In order to successfully run this application on your device, you have to correctly fill src/config/index.ts file. Mainly you are interested in replacing config.multicall and config.erc20 with respective addresses of contracts deployed to your local hardhat chain.

Go through the README of Day 1 to find out how to deploy your contracts.


This application assumes that you have Hardhat chain configured in your Metamask with the following configs:

  • RPC URL: http://localhost:8545
  • Chain ID: 31337


Please refer to these docs for further understanding of how to build frontend apps for Web3: