
Source code for CoNLL-2021's paper A Coarse-to-Fine Labeling Framework for Joint Word Segmentation, POS Tagging, and Constituent Parsing.

The code of the joint framework is available at joint-parser branch, and the code of the pipeline framework is available at pipeline-cws, pipeline-pos, pipeline-parser for Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging, and Constituent Parsing respectively.


As a prerequisite, the following requirements should be satisfied:

  • python >= 3.7 to support f'str'

  • NLTK == 3.5 to build constituent trees

  • transformers == 3.1.0 to use BERT, and the code is not compatible with transformers == 4.0

  • pytorch >= 1.7.0 to use amax() function



python -u train \
    --conf=config.ini \
    --preprocess \
    -device=0 \
    --marg \
    --mask_inside \
    --feat=bigram \
    --ftrain=/data/ctb51/ \
    --fdev=/data/ctb51/ \
    --ftest=/data/ctb51/ \
    --file=exp/ctb51.joint.bigram \
    > log/ctb51.joint.bigram.log 2>&1 &


  • conf:path fo configuration where we can specify the learning rate, batch_size, dropout rate ...
  • preprocess: whether preprocess the training data, used by default in training phase and not used in testing phase.
  • device: GPU id
  • marg:whether use marginal probability of spans as the input of inside/CKY algorithm,used by default for all phases.
  • mask_inside:whether exclude illegal trees in inside algorithm.
  • feat: char representations which is input to BiLSTM choices:1) bichar embedding; 2) BERT
  • frain:path to train data, must in pid format:
((IP (NP (NN 巧克力)) (VP (ADVP (AD 很)) (VP (VA 美味))) (PU .)))
  • fdev:path to dev data.
  • ftest:path to test data.
  • file:directory to save model and fields (constructed from train data), named model and fields respectively.


python -u predict \
    --conf=config.ini \
    --device=0   \
    --marg \
    --mask_inside \
    --mask_cky \
    --feat=bigram \
    --file=exp/ctb51.joint.bigram \
    --fdata=data/ctb51/ \
    --fpred=exp/ctb51.joint.bigram/ \
    > exp/ctb51.joint.bigram/test.log 2>&1

most parameters are consistent with that in training phase, and other descriptions are as follows:

  • marg:consistent with the training phase.
  • mask_inside:consistent with the training phase.
  • mask_cky:whether exclude illegal trees in CKY algorithm.,used by default in testing phase and not used in training phase.
  • file: directory to save model and fields (constructed from train data), named model and fields respectively.
  • fdata: data to be predicted, must in pid format:
((IP 巧克力很美味.)) # ((IP continue_chars))
  • fpred: path to predicted results.

Download models

The models of the joint framework are available at joint-ctb51, joint-ctb51-big, joint-ctb7 and the models of the pipeline framework are available at pipeline-ctb51, pipeline-ctb51-big, pipeline-ctb7.

Note: Sometimes, the above links may not work, please download the models via Baidu NetDisk or Google Drive as described below.

Baidu NetDisk

For Baidu NetDisk (百度网盘) users, please use the following link to download the models: all models, the password (提取码) is wf79.

Google Drive

For Google Drive users, please use the following link to download the models: all models.