
Some fundamental or interesting kits in machine learning. Mainly coded by Python.

Primary LanguagePython


Please install some Python libraries (numpy, scipy, matplotlib) at first.


  • core function: classify0 () in kNN.py
  • example 1: classify dating person. Training set is datingTestSet.txt
python kNN-datingClassifier.py
  • example 2: hand writing recognition. Training set (digital) and test set (digital) are in file folders: trainingDigits and testDigits
python kNN-writingClassifier.py

Decision Tree

  • the structure of decision tree is composed of dicts:
  • interfaces in tree.py
    • create decision tree: createTree (dataSet, labels)
    • save decision tree into file: storeTree (inputTree, filename)
    • read decision tree from file: grabTree (filename)
    • classifier: classify (inputTree, featLabels, testVec)
  • interfaces in treePlot.py
    • plot tree: createPlot (inputTree)
  • example 1: classify glasses. Training set is lenses.txt
python tree-glassClassifier.py

Naive Bayes

  • interfaces in bayes.py
    • create vocabulary list, without repeat words: createVocabList (dataSet)
    • set-of-words (exist or not, 0 or 1): setOfWords2Vec(vocabList, inputSet)
    • bag-of-words (occurrences of words): bagOfWords2Vec(vocabList, inputSet)
    • train: trainNB0(trainMatrix, trainClass)
    • classifier: classifyNB(vec2Classify, p0Vec, p1Vec, pClass1)
    • test: testingNB()
  • example 1: classify spams. Data set is in file folder: email (randomly split data set into training set and test set)
python bayes_spam.py

Logistic Regression

  • interfaces in logReg.py
    • load test data of testSet.txt: loadDataSet()
    • batch gradient ascend method: gradAscent(dataMatIn, classLabels, maxCycles=500)
    • stochastic gradient ascend method: stocGradAscent0(dataMatrix, classLabels), stocGradAscent1(dataMatrix, classLabels, numIter=150)
  • example 1: horse colic classifier. Training data is horseColicTraining.txt and test data is horseColicTest.txt
python horseColic_logReg.py


Please read this English paper: <Improvements to Platt's SMO Algorithm for SVM Classifier Design> or this Chinese book: 《统计学习方法》, and realize meanings of SVM and SMO first.

  • main interfaces in findSupportVector.py
    • load test data of testSet.txt: loadDataSet(filename)
    • find random j (!= i): selectJrand(i, m)
    • simple SMO algorithm (not Platt SMO): smoSimple(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter)
  • example 1: find support vectors in testSet.txt:
python findSupportVector.py
  • main interfaces in findPlattSupportVector.py
    • load test data of testSet.txt: loadDataSet(filename)
    • find random j (!= i): selectJrand(i,oS,Ei)
    • Platt SMO algorithm without kernel function: smoP(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter, kTup=('lin', 0))
    • compute weights from alphas calcWs(alphas, dataArr, classLabels)
  • example 2: find support vectors in testSet.txt:
python findPlattSupportVector.py
  • main interfaces in smoKernelPlattClassifier.py
    • load test data of testSet.txt: loadDataSet(filename)
    • find random j (!= i): selectJrand(i,m)
    • Platt SMO algorithm with RBF kernel function: smoP(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter, kTup=('lin', 0))
    • compute the kernel or transform data to a higher dimensional: spacekernelTrans(X, A, kTup)
    • compute weights from alphas calcWs(alphas, dataArr, classLabels)
  • example 3: find support vectors in testSet.txt:
python smoKernelPlattClassifier.py
  • example 4: hand writing recognition. Training set (digital) and test set (digital) are in file folders: trainingDigits and testDigits:
python smo-writingClassifier.py