
☁️ Use GitHub Issues as a JSON datastore

Primary LanguageJavaScript


☁️ Use GitHub Issues as a JSON datastore


npm install issue-db --save


const db = require('issue-db')({
  owner: 'some',
  repo: 'repo',
  token: process.env.GH_TOKEN


All methods are async.


  • object - Any JSON-serializable input, like a String, Number, or Object.

Returns an object with the following properties:

  • number - The id of the generate GitHub issue.
  • title - The title of the issue. If object has a any of the following properties, they'll be used as the title: title, name, or id. Otherwise, the default title is untitled
  • body - Your input object.


Retrieve a record from the database.

  • number Number - A GitHub issue id.

Returns an object with the following properties:

  • number - The unique id of the generated GitHub issue.
  • title - The title of the issue. If object has a any of the following properties, they'll be used as the title: title, name, or id. Otherwise, the default title is untitled
  • body - Your input object.


Returns an array of every record with a state of open


Sets the state of all open issues to closed, effectively deleting the contents of your entire database. Use with caution!


npm install
npm test


  • @octokit/rest: GitHub REST API client for Node.js
  • ellipsize: Ellipsizes a string at the nearest whitespace character near the end of allowed length

Dev Dependencies

  • dotenv-safe: Load environment variables from .env and ensure they are defined
  • jest: Delightful JavaScript Testing.
  • make-promises-safe: Crash or abort if you get an unhandledRejection
  • standard: JavaScript Standard Style
  • standard-markdown: Test your Markdown files for Standard JavaScript Style™
