- 3
- 20
Disallow creation of "default gateway" route/route6 objects
#906 opened by job - 2
IRRd 4.4.4 documentation on PostgreSQL configuration suggests small value for memory related parameters
#965 opened by MaxBear - 1
as-set member validation behaves differently in single line and multiple line values
#936 opened by briandfoy - 12
source database order affecting results
#873 opened by schelcj - 3
Add support for "::" notation to GraphQL API
#917 opened by jwbensley - 0
KeyError exception during ROA import
#962 opened by schelcj - 27
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
Please consider to serialize the content returned by /v1/status as a JSON if users request it
#773 opened by lamehost - 4
#907 opened by rubenskuhl - 1
cbor.decoder module has been deprecated. Instead import everything directly from cbor2.
#904 opened by troy2914 - 1
- 3
Mirroring with IRRD: manually load and update source data doesn't work as expected
#809 opened by Justin-APNIC - 1
Unable to Submit add prefix request via IRRd API
#883 opened by vgkorat - 2
mntner with legacy auth can't be deleted
#909 opened by rubenskuhl - 13
Traceback in all requests from maintainers
#891 opened by rubenskuhl - 1
- 2
- 0
provide external method to trigger exports
#886 opened by schelcj - 4
- 0
Various code improvements
#708 opened by mxsasha - 2
- 4
HTTP status page is not displayed in IRRd 4.3.0
#821 opened by ma-anazawa - 0
- 0
case sensitive inverse queries with 4.4.1
#868 opened by schelcj - 5
- 4
readonly_standy attempts to write to db
#861 opened by schelcj - 0
Add bcrypt support for override_password setting
#841 opened by mxsasha - 1
- 2
IRRd 4.3.0 fails to start when run
#810 opened by ma-anazawa - 2
- 1
RPKI json delta import support
#796 opened by vidister - 2
If data is available from multiple sources and only one source is specifed, nothing is returned, all sources must be present in query
#793 opened by jwbensley - 3
- 0
About Internal Server Error on HTTP status page
#783 opened by ma-anazawa - 1
pip3 release for 4.2.8 not available
#784 opened by potvinp - 0
NRTM responses can hang on PyPy
#774 opened by mxsasha - 0
Initial retrieval over HTTPS of event-stream data throws error if no data is available
#736 opened by lamehost - 0
- 1
Refuse invalid origin ASNs in route objects
#734 opened by mxsasha - 0
Add additional instrumentation for debugging
#697 opened by mxsasha - 0
- 3
Python 3.9.12 vs pypy3.9-7.3.9
#700 opened by dhutchin-ctl - 2
Journal Serial Expiration and Garbage Collection
#691 opened by ericparton - 6
IRRd V4.2.5 stops handling whois requests
#701 opened by dhutchin-ctl - 1
- 6
irrd-whois-worker process doesn't timeout long running open connections / queries
#693 opened by smbambling