
Builds live backup trees, with branches for each day.

Primary LanguagePerl

glastree 1.06 stable


  Builds live backup trees, with branches for each day.  Users directly browse
  the past to recover older documents or retrieve lost files.

  Hard links serve to compress out unchanged files, while modified ones are
  copied verbatim.  A prune utility effects a constant, sliding window.

  Satoru Takabayashi has writen a similar program, in Ruby,


  Requires perl Date::Calc module to be installed

  Edit install variables in Makefile, then 'make install' ::

    # su
    # make install


  Backup home directory to /vol02/backup ::

    # mkdir /vol02/backup
    # glastree ~ /vol02/backup

  You will subsequently see directories such as ::


  Backup my Mail files to /backup/joe/Mail (a directory I own), everyday
  at 4am, keeping last 35 days ::

    0 4 * * *  glastree Mail /backup/joe/Mail ; \
               glastreeprune --days=35 /backup/joe/Mail | xargs -- rm -fr

  As root, backup /home; user trees will be self-owned ::

    # su
    # glastree /home /backup

  New in 1.06: --resume will skip any files that already exist at the
			target.  Note that this does NOT check that they
			are the same, and a crash might leave the file or
			file being copied at the time in an indeterminate
	      --verbose	lists files as they are being transferred.

  Released into the public domain.  I provide no warranty, accept no
  responsibility, etc.


  Jeremy Wohl, jeremywohl at the gmail, "code homepage":https://github.com/jeremywohl/glastree.

  I appreciate feedback, patches or anecdotes.

Resume and Verbose added by robert@irrelevant.com 2017/03/05.