Build wcat commnad

It is used to display or make a copy content of one or more files in the terminal

General Syntax: node wcat.js [options] [filepaths] option to remove big line break (-s) option to add line number to non empty lines (-b) option to add line numbers to all lines (-n)

Commands: 1- node wcat.js filepath => displays content of the file in the terminal 2- node wcat.js filepath1 filepath2 filepath3... => displays content of all files in the terminal in (contactinated form) in the given order. 3- node wcat.js -s filepath => convert big line breaks into a singular line break 4- node wcat.js -n filepath => give numbering to all the lines 5- node wcat -b filepath => give numbering to non-empty lines We can mix and match the options.

Edge cases: 1- If file entered is not found then it gives file does not exist error. 2- -n and -b are 2 options which are mutually exclusive so if user types both of them together only the first enter option should work.