A reference implementation of the DotWebStack Framework, based on the most common standards. This project is the successor of the Linked Data Theatre 1.x.
All generic dotwebstack documentation can be found in https://github.com/dotwebstack/dotwebstack.
Download a zip containing a pre-build distribution (or create one, using mvn assembly:single
Most recent distribution can be found here: dotwebstack-theatre-legacy-0.0.27-distribution
Start the theatre by executing: start.bat
or start.sh
Test the theatre by visiting http://localhost:8080.
DotWebStack Theatre needs several configuration files. Preferably they should be stored in a config directory. These config files are:
- application properties file (e.g. application.yml). This file is not necessarily required, but most likely you would like to set the config dir and logging level.
- all model/trig files required to configure your DotWebStack Theatre. They should be stored in the a model directory.
- the Open API/Swagger file. This yml file should be stored in the openapi directory.
More information about the configuration can be found in [https://github.com/dotwebstack/dotwebstack].
The default configuration expects that you are running the theatre at root level (for example: http://localhost:8080
/). Please read STATICROOT.md in case your situation differs.
- A config directory with configuration files (see above) in the startup directory.
- Java 8 installed.
$ java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=development dotwebstack-theatre-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This will run the application in Test profile mode.
$ java -jar dotwebstack-theatre-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This will run the application in default profile mode (production).
An example setup can be found in examples/prebuild-docker-image. To run this (this configuration assumes there is a virtuoso backend running with container name virtuoso at port 8890) execute the following steps:
$ cd examples/prebuild-docker-image
$ docker run -i -p 80:8080 -v$PWD/config:/opt/config dotwebstack/dotwebstack-theatre
To verify if your configuration is running a GET request can be done (assuming you are at localhost) to http://localhost/dbp/api/v1/breweries:
$ curl http://localhost/dbp/api/v1/breweries
An example setup can be found in examples/prebuild-docker-image. This docker-compose contains 2 containers.
- virtuoso triple store
- dotwebstack
To run this example, do the following steps:
$ cd examples/dockercompose-with-virtuoso
$ docker-compose up
The above should work both on *
nix systems and Windows (tested with Windows 7 and 10) but with Windows the following should be taken care of:
- On Windows 7, Docker Quickstart terminal should be started
- The composefile (including all sub dirs) should be placed somewhere in your home directory, otherwise the volume mapping is not working
To verify if your configuration is running a GET request can be done (assuming you are at localhost) to http://localhost/dbp/api/v1/breweries:
$ curl http://localhost/dbp/api/v1/breweries
To create a zip containing a working version of the theatre, use:
mvn assembly:single
To release a new version, run the following statement and follow instructions:
Set property dotwebstack.framework.version in the pom.xml to the newest stable dotwebstack framework version.
mvn release:prepare
Clean up afterwards:
mvn release:clean
Currently the docker hub automated build is not started after a new release (a bug) so the automated build has the started manually.
- Goto https://hub.docker.com/r/dotwebstack/dotwebstack-theatre/~/settings/automated-builds/
- Adapt last line: type=tag, name=vx.y.z, docker tag name=latest
- Press trigger: now 2 builds should be started (last version and latest). Check build details tab.
The DotWebStack Theatre is published under the GNU GPLv3 License.